Prepare for Enrolling Devices

While the setup steps are different depending on your choice of enrollment methods, you may want to setup for both modes (Basic and Device Owner (DO)) as you use both methods in the future.

(3 min) (Not mandatory) Create Device Groups

See steps here


  • Your groups can be based on location, hierarchy, or any grouping configuration you choose

  • This is not a required step, but makes it easier to enroll devices directly into a specific group of your choosing

  • Setting Device Groups ensures simplicity when creating Rules

  • Its also useful for managing multiple devices by sending them a message, syncing and updating Apps

(3 min) Check Network connectivity and bandwidth

  1. Check Internet connectivity and strength to ensure the person enrolling the device can download the FocusMDM App and other Android requirements.

  2. FocusMDM needs a recent version of Google Play and Google Play services. This might require downloading 60 MB or more of data. Because the download uses the data connection that’s available, this could be time-consuming.

  3. The average size of the FocusMDM client package is 4 MB

(10 min) (Not required) Enrollment IMEI Whitelist to restrict what devices can be enrolled

See steps here

Now prepare for each of the Enrollment Methods