Staff Accounts Setup

Staff Accounts Setup

Setting up Staff Access

Staff Roles

User Roles are important for understanding a staff members accessibility to the SureAdhere site. Only staff with the role of Client Staff Administrator or Site Staff Administrator will have access to create staff accounts. While the roles of Site Manager, Patient Manager, and Treatment Monitor only allow access to patient accounts. All site staff users can turn patient Communication features on and off with the exception of the Site Staff Administrator. Roles are not mutually exclusive - staff may have more than one user role.

  • Client Staff Administrator - Client Staff Administrators have access to create new staff accounts, edit, and inactivate staff accounts. With the Client Staff Administrator role alone, staff will not have access to any patient information. This role should be reserved for those affiliated with the entity that holds the primary contract with SureAdhere. For example, staff members at a State or Medical Department that solely need the ability to manage staff accounts.

  • Site Staff Administrator - Site Staff Administrators have access to create new staff accounts and view pre-existing staff accounts. With the Site Staff Administrator role alone, staff will not have access to any patient information. This role should be given to those responsible for the sub-entity. For example, staff members at a local department when the primary entity is a state department.

  • Site Manager - Site Managers have access to create and edit patient accounts and access patient records. With the Site Manager role alone, staff will only have access to patient data. They will not have access to create or view staff accounts. This role should be given to managers in a department who need access to patient information but are not necessarily responsible for daily/individual record review.

  • Patient Manager - Patient Managers have the ability to create, edit, and access patient records. This role should be given to staff who are responsible for managing patient care (e.g. Nurse Case Manager, etc).

  • Treatment Monitor - Treatment Monitors have the ability to create, edit, and access patient records. This role should be given to staff who are responsible for viewing videos and monitoring treatment on a daily basis (e.g., DOT Worker, Outreach Worker, etc).

  • Blind Trial Staff - In addition to the user roles listed above, a staff member can also have the role of Blinded Trial Staff. This role works in unison with the other roles assigned to the staff member to prevent the staff member from playing patient videos. Therefore, making the staff member “blind” to patient videos.

  • Global Data Administrator - Global Data Administrators have access to only aggregate level patient data and no access to patient identifiable information. 

Create Staff Account

To create a staff account, begin on any screen in the SureAdhere site. Click on the green circle with a plus sign, , in the top right corner of the screen. Click on New Staff. Then fill out the Create Staff Account form.

  1. Enter the staff member’s First Name and Last Name.

  2. Enter the staff member’s Email Address. This will be part of their login credentials.

  3. Create a Password for the staff member. They will have the ability to change their password.

  4. Enter the staff member’s Phone Number.

  5. Assign roles to the staff member by clicking on the box below each role title. Add all appropriate sites the staff member should have access to. If unfamiliar with user roles, review roles on page 2.

  6. Click SUBMIT when done entering information.

Inactivate Staff Account

 If a staff member is no longer with a department or should no longer have access to the SureAdhere website, their account can be inactivated.

  1. Find the staff’s name on the Staff page under the Active Staff list and click open the record.

  2. Look to the bottom of the Edit Staff Account form.

  3. Uncheck the Account is Active check box.

  4. Click SUBMIT when finished.

The staff account will be separated into the Inactive Staff list and the staff member will no longer have access to the SureAdhere website.

Note: Staff information does not need to be edited nor deleted from their account to restrict access to the SureAdhere website.

If the staff member needs to have access to the SureAdhere website again in the future, their account can be made active again by following the steps above.

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