

SMS Messaging

SMS_opt in_1.mp4

If messaging SMS is opted-in, the Staff will be able to send and receive SMS text messages with their Patient.

  1. On the Patient’s profile page, look to the Contact section.

  2. If the Patient’s phone number has not already been entered, enter the phone number for Phone or Alternate Phone the secure message should be sent. 

  3. Look to the Virtual Care Preferences section and select the preferred language of the Patient.

  4. Under the SMS Settings, toggle the Opt In slide button.

  5. When finished, scroll down the page and click SAVE

  6. An opt in message will be sent to the phone (or alternate phone). "Welcome to SureAdhere. Reply with '222' to confirm this number to receive Reminder SMS from us. Reply '888' to opt-out of SMS to this number."

  7. Patients will need to reply 222 to the message to receive reminders.

  8. When a Patient responds to an SMS message, it will be shown in the Patient Chat window

  9. The Staff can now send SMS messages to the Patient on the patient Messages tab and the patient can respond on their device.



  • Clicking on the outgoing green message box will reveal the actual time the SMS was sent and the delivery status.

  • The Status can either be "Delivered" or, if the delivery was unsuccessful, there will be a reason provided. For instance, if the mobile number is inactive.



Messaging allows the staff and patients to communicate in real time chat messages between the patient's mobile application and the staff’s Provider application.

Important Note:

  • Messaging is an additional feature that must be activated. Please email our Program Manager Patricia Waterous at pwaterous@dimagi.com if you are interested in having these features activated.

The Patient must Opt In to chat

  1. The patient must give consent to chat via Messaging. This can only be done on the patient mobile device when they click on the Messages button, and it asks the patient to opt in.

  2. If a patient has opted in, the provider will see the toggle on the patient profile screen in Virtual Care preferences.

  3. Once the patient has opted in, the send button on the Messages tab will be enabled for the staff to send messages to the patient.

Chatting with patients

The staff will see patient messages on the Messages tab, where they can send messages directly to the patient mobile application.

Delivery Status

  1. The patient Messages tab has a Patient Chat box. Clicking on a message will show delivery status. The delivery status is not shown unless the message is clicked on.

  2. When the patient sends a message back to the provider, the message will show in the Patient Chat box. Note that this might not be immediate and can take a few seconds to be shown.

When the Patient Opts out of Messaging

  1. If the Patient opts out of Messaging, the Settings will automatically toggle to off in Patient’s Virtual Care Preferences on the Profile tab. Note: when opting out the patient chat history will not be retained.

If the Patient uninstalls the mobile app and re-installs again.

  1. Uninstall of the app clears all data from the phone, all historic messages.

    1. So if patient re-installs the app on their device, they will not see historic messages

    2. The web app will still show the patient as opted in to Messaging (this will need to be fixed in future)

  2. If the patient reinstalls the app, they will be prompted to opt-in for 'Messaging' again. The patient’s response will automatically update their Messaging settings in the Provider application under Virtual Preference.

If the Patient was offline and then goes back online

  1. If a patient was offline and comes back online, any unsent messages from the mobile app will automatically be delivered.

  2. Similarly, any messages sent by the provider while the patient was offline will now be visible to the patient.