Device Actions
The device name, username, email, phone number and Device Groups can be updated.
And ONLY for Basic mode, there is a setting to allow the device user to uninstall FocusMDM
Sync - Request Device sends info to Dashboard
Force a sync to happen when the device is next online. Note if the device is turned off or not online no information can be sent back to the server and Dashboard
Upgrade - FocusMDM to the latest version
When the mobile device is not running the latest version of FocusMDM from the Play Store, it will show a message when hover over the "Upgrade" Button.
Use this opportunity to get the latest version to the device.
For Device Owner (DO) enrolled devices, the latest FocusMDM will be silently installed.
For Device Admin devices enrolled with Basic Enroll, the users will see a notice to about the new App version on Play Store. The users must click the notification to update FocusMDM from the Play Store
Lock - set a code for unlocking the device
After setting a 5 digit code, the device is locked and only this code can be used on the device to unlock it.
The administrator on the Dashboard can use the Unlock feature to remove this lock code.
Request Logs - for assisting Developers
This feature request log files from the device so they can be sent to the Dimagi development team. The Dimagi team will ask for this to be done if there is an issue they are trying to resolve.
NOTE: Requesting logs will have no impact on the devices or users.
Wipe - hard reset device and clear all data
This feature is to do a hard reset of the device. This works for both DO and Device Admin Mode enrolled devices
This clears all data from the device. The device immediately restarts after a hard reset.
The action archives the device in Focus and it will not be visible from the Dashboard.