Patient Adherence Data (analytics and reporting)

Patient Adherence Data (analytics and reporting)

The CMS collects a variety of patient adherence analytics. There are two places these analytics can be found, a patient's Overview tab and their Reports tab.

Overview Tab

The Overview tab is populated by the data that is added to the Adherence tab.

Adherence Calendar: The Adherence Calendar provides a quick snap shot of the patient's treatment a month at a time. Click on the arrows above the calendar to view different months. The calendar can also be downloaded and printed to share with the patient or added to a paper record by clicking the export button. 

Total Progress Donuts: The Total Progress donut provides analytics on all doses that count towards the patient's treatment. Toggle over the different colors to see how many Taken, Missed, Open, Unknown, and even Future doses the patient has in their treatment. This donut is populated by filling in the Dose Observation Summary field in the patient's Adherence tab.

Observation Method Donut: Select either "Taken" or "Missed" to view how the patient has been taking their doses (VDOT recorded, In-Person DOT, etc. ) or why they are missing their doses (Partial Doses, Missed Doses, etc.).

Dose Count Table: The Dose Count table collects the patient's total treatment dose count. This table is populated by filling in the Dose Observation Summary field in the patient's Adherence tab.

Individual Drug Count Table: The Individual Drug Count table collects a total drug count for the patient's treatment. This table is populated by filling in the individual drug fields in the patient's Adherence tab.

Reports Tab

The SureAdhere CMS has two Reports pages. One is associated with aggregate data that provides reports for all patients in a clinic or county. 

The other provides reports for individual patients. 

Reports may be customizable on request. If a particular report is not currently available, please reach out to SureAdhere customer service team and they will work with you to create a custom report.