Integrating DHIS2 with CommCare

Integrating DHIS2 with CommCare

Numerous organizations have integrated CommCare with their DHIS2 systems using an integration layer. This page provides a high-level overview of resources available to CommCare users interested in this integration.


District Health Information System 2 (DHIS2) is an open-source, web-based health management information system (HMIS) platform. Today, DHIS2 is the world's largest HMIS platform. DHIS2 supports numerous programs primarily those in health system alongside the Ministry of Health (MoH).

When creating a digital health system, data pipelines are your key to accurate and fresh data. A well-built data pipeline enables you to capture trusted community-level information and aggregate it for routine reporting and ad-hoc analysis. CommCare seamlessly integrates frontline decision support with routine data capture, resulting in improved service delivery and more accurate data. The CommCare platform then integrates directly with DHIS2 to feed community-level health data into your reports.

CommCare and DHIS2 complement each other in a national digital health strategy.  CommCare and DHIS2 are used worldwide to create end-to-end data pipelines, from remote data capture through district and national-scale reporting.

How do I integrate DHIS2 with CommCare?

Below are some options for how you can integrate your DHIS2 instance with CommCare.

Option 1: Leverage CommCare’s APIs

By leveraging CommCare’s API Access , you can write scripted procedures that pull desired data from CommCare and send it to DHIS2. This will also require you to understand the structure of data in both systems and map your DHIS2 data structure to your CommCare data structure.

In addition, you can follow some of DHIS2’s integration information here: Integration concepts - DHIS2 Documentation.

Need help doing this? Several CommCare Providers also provide services and experience in setting up DHIS2 integrations with CommCare. You can learn more about our Provider network here: CommCare Providers .

Looking for more hands on support?

Individuals and organizations with the required technical skills and capacity can follow the provided instructions to set this up independently.

If you require additional hands-on support, please refer to the CommCare Providers. This resource provides a list of third-party organizations with experience setting up this technical feature in CommCare.

Option 2: Hire Dimagi’s Professional Services team

For bigger, more complex integrations, Dimagi’s team of Professional Services experts are available for hire to support setting up your integration. Dimagi has supported DHIS2 integrations with CommCare in Senegal, Mozambique, Burkina Faso, Benin, Gambia, and Madagascar.

You can learn more about our services offerings here: Services for Sustainable Program Impact | Dimagi .

Additional Resources & Case Studies