Dimagi Support Service Level Agreement (SLA) FAQ

Dimagi Support Service Level Agreement (SLA) FAQ

Dimagi’s Service Level Agreement (SLA) CommCare customers guidelines and expectations for when you can expect your Support tickets to be addressed and resolved. This page will explain what our SLA is and outline the types of specific support we offer to our users.

Support Available to All CommCare Users

Regardless of your support tier, all CommCare users have access to a core set of support.

  • Free Learning Resources: All CommCare users have access to a core set of free learning resources. This includes access to the CommCare Help Site and the CommCare Forum. We highly encourage you to first check out these resources in answering your CommCare problems, including posting on the CommCare Forum.

  • Submitting Tickets: In addition, all users are able to submit support tickets through the different ways listed here: Submit a Support Request . The speed and certainty of response will be determined by a combination of your SLA as well as the type of issue raised. As an example, anyone can report a bug or issue in CommCare that they come across, regardless of their software plan.

Support Available to Users on Paid Software Plans

In addition to free resources that are available to all customers, customers on certain software plans will receive access to additional types of support. This includes the response rate from the CommCare support team and the priority in which your tickets are solved.

You can see what is included in what types of guaranteed support are offered by each plan here: CommCare Pricing Overview | Support (more info)

What Support Tier Do I Have Access to?

If you are unsure of the current software plan that you have access to in CommCare, please go to your Project Settings in CommCare to see your Subscription (see here: Project Settings Overview | Subscription ) or ask your organization’s CommCare administrator or

Additional CommCare SLA Terms

Guaranteed Follow-Up Time: The maximum time within which our support team will provide an update after the initial response, even if there’s no immediate resolution. This ensures you stay informed on the status of your request.

Guaranteed First Response Time: The maximum time within which you will receive an initial reply from our support team after submitting a request. This response may include troubleshooting steps, a request for more details, or confirmation that we're investigating your issue.

Online Learning:  You have access to many great resources that will answer several common CommCare questions and help you learn what CommCare has to offer! These include CommCare Users ForumCommCare Help Site, and Getting Started.

Direct Email Support: Direct Email Support means the "Report an Issue" button and support@dimagi.com. All projects have access to this to report important issues. Community users are not guaranteed a response.

First Response Time: This is the timeframe in which a Support team member will respond to you and begin working on your ticket.

Video Conferencing Support: Users who have an Advanced or Enterprise can receive video conferencing support (such as GMeet or Zoom). Conferences can be requested by emailing support@dimagi.com.

CommCare bug: A bug that is caused by our software, and not specific to a particular app or project. 

CommCare question: A general question about particular CommCare features, their use, not as they apply to a particular project or app. 

App specific question: A question or issue that is specific to your app or project space's configuration and workflow.

Paid onboarding: Customers can purchase onboarding packages that  include remote training sessions with a Customer Success team member, spanning the entire process of app design, app building, app testing, data exports, and implementation of their mobile application. 

Access to customer success: Enterprise customers have quarterly check-ins with a dedicated Customer Success team member to advise them on the best usage of CommCare for their projects and across their organization

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