Location API

Location API

The Location API is available from version v0.5. Version v0.5 is read-only. It allows you to list locations and get location details.

Version v0.6 has the same read-only list and details endpoints as v0.5 with just a few updates and adds the ability to create and update locations, one at a time or in bulk.

List Locations

GET https://www.commcarehq.org/a/[domain]/api/[version]/location/


Locations can be filtered by the following attributes as request parameters:

  • site_code

  • external_id

  • created_at

  • last_modified

  • latitude

  • longitude

Sample output:

      "meta": {
        "limit": 20,
        "next": null,
        "offset": 0,
        "previous": null,
        "total_count": 2
      "objects": [
          "created_at": "2023-05-09T16:10:47.225938",
          "domain": "[domain]",
          "external_id": null,
          "id": 1,
          "last_modified": "2023-05-09T16:10:47.225947",
          "latitude": null,
          "location_data": {},
          "location_id": "f373a6837c1243938abfc56618cce88b",
          "location_type": "https://www.commcarehq.org/a/[domain]/api/v0.5/location_type/1/",
          "longitude": null,
          "name": "Namibia",
          "parent": null,
          "resource_uri": "https://www.commcarehq.org/a/[domain]/api/v0.5/location/f373a6837c1243938abfc56618cce88b/",
          "site_code": "namibia"


The main distinctions between the v0.5 and v0.6 GET endpoints are that v0.6:

  • Removes a few fields and adds a few fields from the response (there is no external_id with v0.6, for example, but there is parent_location_id)

  • Currently does not allow filtering on the list endpoint

For the list endpoint, the “meta” section will look the same and the locations will still be in a list called “objects”. But an individual location object will look like:

{ "domain": "dimagi-test", "last_modified": "2024-03-11T19:29:16.845849", "latitude": "31.4100000000", "location_data": { "pop": "1001" }, "location_id": "68e65fbc2dc840ff8bf03849e57aca88", "location_type_code": "county", "location_type_name": "County", "longitude": null, "name": "Fairfax County", "parent_location_id": "41b0bdfbae20428e9435ae8c3dcd22e7", "site_code": "fairfax_county" },

Also notice how compared to v0.5, the v0.6 location data has just the location_id, no resource URL.

Location Details

GET https://www.commcarehq.org/a/[domain]/api/[version]/location/[location_id]

v0.5 - Sample output:

      "created_at": "2023-05-09T16:10:47.225938",
      "domain": "[domain]",
      "external_id": null,
      "id": 1,
      "last_modified": "2023-05-09T16:10:47.225947",
      "latitude": null,
      "location_data": {},
      "location_id": "f373a6837c1243938abfc56618cce88b",
      "location_type": "https://www.commcarehq.org/a/[domain]/api/v0.5/location_type/1/",
      "longitude": null,
      "name": "Namibia",
      "parent": null,
      "resource_uri": "https://www.commcarehq.org/a/[domain]/api/v0.5/location/f373a6837c1243938abfc56618cce88b/",
      "site_code": "namibia"


You can get the details for an individual location using v0.6 as well. See the v0.6 section of the list documentation above for information on what single location object serialization looks like in v0.6.

Create Location (individual)

POST https://www.commcarehq.org/a/[domain]/api/[version]/location/

Create an individual location. Available from version v0.6.

Required fields

Required fields



Other fields (not required)


Other fields (not required)



The system will generate one for you if not included. It must be unique on the domain.






Format is a JSON dictionary instead of a string


The ID will be validated to make sure the parent exists, that the parent can have child locations of this location’s type, and that there are no other locations on the domain with the same name and parent.

Here is an example request body:

{ "latitude": "31.41", "location_data": { "pop": "1000" }, "location_type_code": "city", "longitude": null, "name": "Greenville" "parent_location_id": "46329a9e1bad47158739d56f6f667165" }

Update Location (individual)

PUT https://www.commcarehq.org/a/[domain]/api/[version]/location/[location_id]

Allows editing an individual location. Available from version v0.6.

Editable fields


Editable fields



Must be unique among siblings


Must be unique on the domain






Dictionary format


If the location has a parent, the new location type must be a valid child type of that parent.


  • The parent must exist

  • The parent must be able to have child locations of this location type

  • The parent must not already have a child with the same name

If a part of the location’s update fails because of invalid fields, the update will not occur at all.

If you wanted to update the location type and parent for the location, an example request body would be:

{ "location_type_code": "county", "parent_location_id": "46329a9e1bad47158739d56f6f667165" }

Create and Update Locations (in bulk)

PATCH https://www.commcarehq.org/a/[domain]/api/[version]/location/

Version v0.6 allows you to create and update locations in bulk. Even though the method is PATCH, you can also create locations as well as update using this method.

The request body should be a list of locations, with each location as a JSON dictionary (if you are using JSON). The list should called "objects". Include location_id in the dictionary if you want to update a location, and don’t include it if you want to create a location.

When creating a location via this method, the API uses the same validation as the create endpoint described above. And for updating, it uses the same validation as the update endpoint above. For updating a location, see the table of allowed fields in the documentation for “Update”. For creating, see the table of fields under “Create Location”.

Here is an example request body:

With this request body, the first dictionary will create a location called “Newtown”, and update a location with the ID eea759ae08044807be749f665a1fd39a to have the name “Springfield”.

Lastly, the PATCH request is atomic. Meaning if validation fails for a single location in the request, none of the locations will be created or updated.

List Location Types

GET https://www.commcarehq.org/a/[domain]/api/[version]/location_type/

Sample output:

      "meta": {
        "limit": 20,
        "next": null,
        "offset": 0,
        "previous": null,
        "total_count": 1
      "objects": [
          "administrative": true,
          "code": "country",
          "domain": "[domain]",
          "id": 1,
          "name": "Country",
          "parent": null,
          "resource_uri": "https://www.commcarehq.org/a/[domain]/api/v0.5/location_type/1/",
          "shares_cases": false,
          "view_descendants": false

Location Type Details

GET https://www.commcarehq.org/a/[domain]/api/[version]/location_type/[id]

Sample output:

      "administrative": true,
      "code": "country",
      "domain": "[domain]",
      "id": 1,
      "name": "Country",
      "parent": null,
      "resource_uri": "https://www.commcarehq.org/a/[domain]/api/v0.5/location_type/1/",
      "shares_cases": false,
      "view_descendants": false

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