Issues and monitoring abuse


For managers who are concerned about their mobile workers misusing devices for non-work related activities, FocusMDM highlights these as Issues in the Dashboard. Issue email notifications are also useful for important issue alerts.

Types of Issues

More on each of the issues that can alert you are listed here

Issues on the Dashboard

Issue Alerts on Home Page

A counter of Issues highlights the new issues and clicking on the bell, lists the details of the recent Issues

Issues List

To see all issues for the last few weeks, visit the Issues screen where they are listed for all devices

Once an issue is Solved, it will be automatically removed from the issues list after 5 days

Use the "Go to Device" action link to understand the device users behavior and what the Issue alert is highlighting

Device Details Issue List

A history of Issues for a device will include solved issues. For example when the sim card is put back into the device or a configuration issue has been fixed on the device

Solving Issues

If the issue you see has the ability to be manually "solved" the action will show as below

Also issues are automatically solved if the situation on the device changes.