Community Forum - Contributor Badges

Community Forum - Contributor Badges

Badges - a way to recognize and celebrate CommCare forum members' contributions and engagement within the community. Whether you’re actively participating in discussions, contributing code, or helping others solve problems, there’s a Badge for you!

To view the available Badges and learn when you earn them, visit our CommCare Forum Badges page.

How to Earn a Badge:

  • Participate: Join discussions, answer questions, and share your insights.

  • Contribute: Submit code, report bugs, or suggest improvements.

  • Engage: Help fellow community members and spread knowledge.

Code Contributor Account Verification

To be eligible to receive badges associated with code contributions, make sure that your CommCare Forum profile URL is added as a Social Profile on your GitHub account.

Receiving Badges

Our team automatically grants badges when someone meets the criteria. However, if you believe you are eligible for a badge but haven't received it, or if you have recently linked your contributor accounts, you can reach out by messaging the Moderator group in the forum to check in.

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