Create and Manage CommCare Mobile Workers

Create and Manage CommCare Mobile Workers


This page provides a high-level overview of how to create and manage Mobile Workers

Setting Up Your Mobile Worker Roles & Permissions

For an overview about Mobile Worker Roles and Permissions, please visit Roles and Permissions Overview

Create a CommCare Mobile Worker

To manage mobile workers, click on Users in the top navigation bar. You will automatically be taken to the Mobile Workers section.

1. Navigate to the Mobile Workers page on your CommCareHQ project space. 
CommCareHQ > Users > Mobile Workers (the page to manage Mobile Workers will show by default)

2. Click on Create Mobile Worker

3. In the Window that pops up, add a username and password, and click Create. After clicking Create, your new mobile worker is created; it is NOT necessary to add any additional information unless you choose to. 
The username and password you set here will be what the CommCare mobile worker uses to log into the phone application.

Note: All usernames must be in the Roman alphabet, and once created, the username can NOT be changed! (For more information on usernames, see choosing a username section below)

a. If you have Custom User Data or Locations that are required, you also have to add that information.

Edit a CommCare Mobile Worker

User Information

You can change the First/Last names, E-mail, default language, and role. In general, it is only useful to add the First and Last names, as you can see these names in reports, in addition to the username.

It is NOT possible to change the username.

It is possible to add additional information about your mobile workers with Custom User Data, an advanced feature. Additional user information you may want to consider is listed below:

  • Mobile Phone IMEI number and Device Model for an inventory of the devices handed out to Mobile Workers

  • Mobile Worker demographic information such as education, age, and literacy for training purposes.

For a mobile worker to be able to use CommCare on an Andriod device, their Mobile Worker Role must allow mobile endpoint access. (See Roles and Permissions Overview)

Phone Number

Make sure to add the international country code without any symbols (do NOT add + or 00). After adding a new number, you will be prompted to verify it. This will send you an SMS to which you must reply.

Change or Reset the password for a mobile worker

On CommCare HQ, you can change or reset the password for any mobile worker by navigating to the Password tab and specifying the new password. However, it is important to note that the user login information (username and password) is stored locally on the phone. So, when you change in CommCare HQ, the username and password aren't communicated downward to the phone until the phone synchronizes with server.

On CommCare, Sync with server is an option on the home page of the phone. So, the CommCare mobile worker must synchronize with the server for the username and/or password change to reflect on the phone side. 

Use Bulk Upload to create multiple mobile workers at once

1. Navigate to the Mobile Workers page on your CommCareHQ project space, as above.
CommCareHQ > Users > Mobile Workers (the page to manage Mobile Workers will show by default)

2. Click on Download Mobile Workers.

3. You can filter and download mobile workers.
Filter by:

a. Role

b. Name or Username

c. Location

d. Active/Deactivated

e. Columns

4. Click Download to download the user.xlsx file. You can see how many mobile workers and how many groups you are downloading.

This file contains all of your current user data: 

a.The first tab contains a row for each mobile worker with the following data:

i.Basic columns: username, password, name, phone number, email, user_id, language, role, is_active

ii. Read-only columns: IMEI, date registered, date of last sync, date of last form submission

iii. Any custom user data fields configured for your project

iv. User location code, if your project uses organizations

b. The second tab contains a row for each group, with its id, name, and whether it is a case sharing group and/or reporting group.


5. Use the downloaded file as a template and populate it with the necessary data. Save the completed file.

6. Click on Bulk Upload.

7. Click the Upload mobile workers button to upload the completed file. 

Search for Mobile Workers

You can use the search box to find specific mobile workers. Type in any word to search for that term across all columns or use the syntax below to search in a specific column. 


Insert the first name or the last name of the mobile worker that you are searching for.

Deactivate and Delete Mobile Workers

You can unclutter your reports in two different ways. You may either deactivate (formerly Archive) a user, removing them from the limelight while keeping their data around in the export, or you can delete a user removing all their data permanently. 

Deactivate mobile workers

This will remove mobile workers from the report dashboards while keeping their data in the export. Deactivate a user by clicking the deactivate button on the main Mobile Workers page. Deactivated mobile workers will no longer be able to log into a new phone for the first time. (Note that you can deactivate a large number of mobile workers by following the Bulk deactivation process below).

If a deactivated user submits a form, the following will occur:

Activate Deactivated mobile workers

If you have deactivated mobile workers, you can click on the Show Deactivated mobile workers link to display them on the screen. Click on reactivate to start displaying this user's data in the reports once again.

Note: Deactivate mobile worker was formerly called Archive mobile worker. When looking for information in the Commcare User's Forum, relevant discussions may sometimes be described as archive.

Bulk Deactivation of Mobile workers

If you need to deactivate a large number of mobile workers, follow those steps. Please note that this feature requires a paid software plan.

  1. Go to the User page, click Bulk upload, click on download Mobile workers, get to the downloaded excel spreadsheet.

  2. For the workers, you want to deactivate, go to the column "is active" and change the value to false. 

  3. Save the Excel file. Re-upload the excel file.

Delete mobile workers

Deleting mobile workers: Are you sure you want to do that?

You may notice that we make it a bit difficult to delete mobile workers. This is because if you delete a mobile worker, you will also be deleting all data that the worker ever submitted or owned. It is not possible to ever get that information back if you delete a mobile worker. We strongly recommend deactivating mobile workers if there is any chance you will ever want to see any of the data submitted by that worker.

Note: once you delete a mobile worker, you can never create a new worker with that username.

This will remove all of the user’s data permanently. Delete a user by clicking on a user's name and navigating to Permanent Actions. Then click the Delete Mobile Worker button and follow the directions.

Things to keep in mind before deleting mobile workers

  1. Let's say that while you were testing your app, you created a mobile worker called "test". You might play around with the user and submit a few forms, but none of that data is real, so it shouldn't interfere with the real data, and you will never need to use this data again. In this case, you may want to delete the user and all their data.

  2. Let's say instead that you have a mobile worker who has submitted some data but who has taken a leave of absence. You do not want them showing up in your reports day-to-day, but you want to keep their data around. Then you would deactivate them.

You can also watch this video for more information: