CommCare Certification

CommCare Certification

This page provides an overview of the CommCare Certification Program.

CommCare Certification Unavailable from April 19, 2017

The CommCare Certification program will be suspended effective April 19, 2017 while Dimagi works on designing a new and exciting experience. Any capstones submitted before that date will be graded. We plan to provide further detail about the future of the certification program and Dimagi Academy in late 2017. The standard Dimagi Academy courses will remain open without any Certification components (CommCare Fundamentals and CommCare Application Building).

Thanks for your patience!


Ready to get started?

Ready to get started with certification? If you have read the mateirial below you can go ahead and create an account on Dimagi Academy, and register for the appropriate certification track.

There is some help information about the Dimagi Academy here.

What is CommCare Certification?

You can demonstrate complete knowledge of a particular CommCare track by becoming "certified."  This means you will have to pass all of the tests associated with a learning track, and complete a capstone exercise.

Certification represents a very high level of competency and experience in CommCare.

Certification Process

There are three main stages to the Certification process

A - Figuring out what to learn

There are a lot of components to CommCare and depending upon your role in a project you may require a specific combination.

You can decide what you want learn by exploring individual modules, or selecting one of the CommCare Learning Tracks.

If in doubt, we recommend you start with CommCare Fundamentals which is a requirement of every Learning Track.

B - Learning and Practice

There are two main ways you can learn the material in a learning track:

1. CommCare Community Resources

There are a lot of freely available tools to learn about CommCare.

  • Help Site - the CommCare Module Guide will help you find all the information you need on the help site

  • CommCare Users Group - the primary forum for asking questions about CommCare

  • Webinars or Workshops

  • Practice!

2. Dimagi Services

Dimagi's Global Services team has implemented hundreds of CommCare projects. There are a range of different capacity building and training packages available if you have a team that is eager for hands-on or project specific training. For more information see the CommCareHQ main page.

C - Assessment

There are two stages of assessment.

1. Module Tests

If you want to test your knowledge, or validate the skills of a new colleague, there is a test available for each of the learning modules. These tests are available on Dimagi Academy and are designed to ensure comprehension of the learning objectives.

Other things to keep in mind:

  • You must do your own work. You can consult the CommCare Help Site or other apps you have built, but you cannot ask other people for help.

  • You can take a test multiple times but we will only count the most recent time you took the test.

  • You must get 70% correct in order to pass a test.

2. Capstone Exercises

Each of the learning tracks has a capstone exercise which will synthesize information across all of the modules and test your ability to apply them in complex situations. This will challenge you to use everything you have learned from all of these modules, and push you to discover even more by using the Help Site and trying things out on CommCareHQ.

Capstone Process

Certification FAQs

Q: Do individuals or organizations receive certifications?

A: All certifications are for individuals.


Q: I am the only one at my organization working on CommCare - do I need to complete all tracks?

A: It depends what you are doing. Look at the different tracks to determine what you want to do. There is some overlap between the tracks (for example, CommCareHQ Overview is part of 3 Learning Tracks) so each subsequent track should be easier.


Q: What if I don't pass the Capstone?

A: If you do not pass the Capstone on your first attempt, we will provide you with feedback on areas to improve, and you will have one (1) chance to make corrections based on the feedback given to you. If you do not pass after submitting your revisions, you must wait 30 days before reapplying.


Additional Information

If you need further assistance or clarification about CommCare certification, please send a note to: academy@dimagi.com