Submit History

The easiest way to view an individual submitted form is to use the Submit History function in the Inspect Data part of the Reports tab. This allows you to view each of the individual forms that have been submitted, see all of the data provided, and understand how that form affects the case. This tool provides you a list of form submissions and allow you to inspect each form submission.

This tool allows the data manager to inspect the data in greater detail using this user-friendly interface. This tool is especially helpful if the data manager wants but generally it is easier to use the data export to look at the forms in greater depth.


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Navigating to the Submit History

  1. Click on Reports

  2. Click on Submit History (under the "Inspect Data" sub-header)

  3. Apply a filter. You can filter by:

    1. Groups or Users: Any combination of groups and users (or leave the default as "All Users")

    2. Filter Forms: You can focus on a specific form by navigating to the desired Application and Module

    3. Filter Dates by: Choose form completion or submission time (for more information see )

    4. Date Range: Filter by any range of dates, according to the project's timezone

To view a particular form, just click on "View Form" in the left-most column.

Parts of the Submit History

Each of the following sections can be found as a tab in a form viewed in the submit history.

Form Properties

This section shows, in order, the questions asked in a form and the responses that were provided.

Viewing Options

At the top of the page you have the option of either viewing the form properties as Labels or Question IDs. If you choose Labels you will see the same label text that the mobile user saw at the time of completing the form. If you choose Question IDs, you will see the question IDs and item values rather than the text that mobile user viewed. You can easily toggle between these two views at the top of the page.

Labels View

Question IDs View

Labels View

Question IDs View

There is also an option to "Show questions in form that were not shown to the user." By default, in this report, you only see questions that were shown to the mobile user. If you check this box you will also see questions that were part of the form but were not shown to the user because their display condition was not met. If you choose not to view this questions, in the data table sections that were not shown to the user are replaced by a yellow box with an ellipse ("...").

Data Table

In the actual data table there are two columns- one shows the question and the other shows the response provided by the user.

Each question has an icon which indicates the question type. These icons are the same as the icons found in the CommCare Form Builder (see ).

Groups are framed into boxes that set them apart from the rest of the questions, and have the title that was used in the form builder.

Other Notes:

  • If a question's display text had a "output value" expression (showed the output to a hidden value or other question), this view will replace that expression with a blank line. If it is possible to figure out what was displayed at that time, the line will be populated with the response; if it is not possible then you will see a question mark

  •  Hidden Values (Form Calculations) are shown in a separate section at the bottom of the data table.

Case Changes

This tab is only visible if the form uses case management. This tab shows how the form affected any cases that it modified.  

If case management is relevant, the top section will show any properties used in the creation of a case (case name, case type, and owner_id)

The next section shows any case properties that were updated and the value with which they were updated.

The bottom will show case-relevant metadata, like the actual case_id and the date last modified.

Form Metadata

This section contains data which is passively captured by CommCare, like the from Start and End time, the username and UserID, and the unique instance ID.

For more information on CommCare metadata please see . This includes meta data about dates and times, which you can see here:


If the form has an attachment, like a picture, signature, audio clip, or video clip, you can download the files from this tab. 


If you want to view the actual XML of the submitted form you can view that here, or copy it into a text-editor for further analysis.

Archive Forms

A red button on the right side of the page allows the a form to be archived. For more information see