Setting up organizations for supply chain
Setting up organizations for supply chain
Organizations can be used to do case sharing and therefore allow supply-point cases and ledgers to be shared between users.
Furthermore using organization levels will allow the configuration of different use cases such as stock management flow at different facility level or supervisor/field worker.
In the organization level page, after defining the structure of your organizations there are several options you need to set. Here they are:
Tracks Stock: allow the organization to track stock, i.e. define ledgers.
Own Cases: allow the organization to own the case data, i.e. all the cases saved by the user will be owned by the organization:
all users linked to the same location will be able to see the cases of this organization (same location case-sharing)
all users linked to a parent location, with the parameter "view child data" activated, will be able to see the cases of this organization (parent child case-sharing)
View Child Data: allow the organization to see the case data of its child organizations
In the example below we have the following structure: departement > zs > commune > arrondissement > as > village_admin > village.
We follow stocks at 2 different levels:
as linked to a supervisor
Tracks Stock: will allow to track stock at as level.
View Child Data: will allow to the supervisors at this level to see the data of all its children in the village level
village linked to a field worker:
Tracks Stock: will allow to track stock at village level.
Owns Cases: the village location will be the owner of the case data, allowing case sharing and parent locations to see the data.
With this setup the supervisor will be able to see his "child" user ledgers.