Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. A Mobile Worker has been replaced or removed from the project and the new Mobile Worker requires the existing case list. 

  2. A case has migrated from one catchment area to another and therefore needs to be monitored by another Mobile Worker in your project.

  3. Multiple users are sharing case lists in a group (i.e. if you have case-sharing enabled for your project).

  4. You have re-organized usernames and would like to protect case lists. 

  5. A worker has accidentally registered cases under another Mobile Worker's log-in, or has registered cases in demo mode (note that you cannot easily distinguish among owners of demo cases, so carefully check that you are transferring the correct demo case)


When you move transferring cases to a new user, you are ONLY moving the "case"– not the individual form submissions.  It is strongly recommended that you NOT delete any "old" users if you want to be able to do any sort of data analysis.  Individual form submissions will always remain linked to the user that submitted them–even if that user is no longer active.  If you want to hide an old user's data you can "deactivate" the worker under the "settings & users" section of CommCareHQit will also affect the forms linked to those cases. Deleting the new users will result in the deletion of any forms associated with cases owned by them, unless these forms are also connected to other active cases.


When you transfer cases that belong to mobile user "Lalita" to mobile user "Sheela", the transferred cases will be reflected on Sheela's case list on her phone once her phone syncs to CommCareHQ. On the server side, form submissions made by Lalita  will always be linked to username Lalita because she completed those forms.  The change will however be reflected in the case exports, which will show Sheela as the new owner of the case. Any new form submissions completed by Sheela for the transferred case will reflect Sheela as the username in the forms exports. The old submissions for that case will still remain under the username "Lalita".