This section contains resources for learning how to build and design apps in CommCare.
You've come to the right place for everything related to designing and building CommCare applications!
Start with the Application Building Tutorial Series to get a feeling for the app building process. Then check out applications designed by other organizations and review best practices for designing effective and useful apps. Finally, get a list of key references and tools to keep on hand as you build out your CommCare application.
Terms and Concepts - the CommCare glossary
App Building Tutorials
Core Information
Form Builder - overview of the form designer, a tool you can use to create forms for CommCare
Errors building an application - help in interpreting error messages while building applications
Manage Applications
CommCare Exchange - Starter Apps - a set of example applications, curated by Dimagi
Application Review - a checklist of design and quality issues to make sure you've considered
Language Support - how to manage multiple languages in your application
Language configuration (for Applications)
Form Bulk Translation (for forms)
Advanced Resources
Case Management
Workflow Support - best practices for common workflows
Referrals in CommCare
Advanced Tools
CommCare Localization Tools (Ethiopian Calendar for CommCareODK)