Data for COVID-19 Template Apps

This page provides users with information about accessing data in CommCare for the pre-built COVID-19 tools and links to additional information about data in CommCare. Please see the Data Security overview for more informationa about how data is stored in CommCare.

Video on Accessing Data from CommCare (please click image below)

Accessing Your CommCare Data

After collecting data with a COVID-19 application, you can access the data in many ways:

  1. View pre-built supervision reports.

  2. Download your form data.

  3. Download your case data.

  4. Create your own reports using CommCare’s Report Builder.

The video above provides further information on accessing data for your CommCare app, using the example of the COVID-19 WHO FFX Protocol Template app. 

CommCare Integrations Options

In order to fully take action on your data, you may be interested in integrating CommCare with an external health information or business intelligence system. This section describes some of those integration options. For a full overview fo supported integrations, please visit this the Integrations site.

  • Configuring, debugging, and maintaining software integrations requires a certain level of technical expertise. We highly recommend you work with someone with this expertise in integrating your applications.
  • Please note that CommCare’s integrations features require a paid software plan. Please submit this form to request a pro bono plan that meets your data and integration needs.

CommCare + BI Tools

Dimagi is developing template dashboards across our partners’ most common BI tools to ensure you get the most out of your COVID-19 CommCare app data. Please find documentation for each template along with instructions to set up your integration: 

Check out our blog post about our New Template BI Tools to Support COVID-19 Response.

CommCare + DHIS2

Dimagi’s MOTECH platform allows CommCare and DHIS2 to work together to provide an end-to-end solution for mobile data collection, aggregation, storage, and reporting at any scale. Learn more about how CommCare and DHIS2 work together to create an end-to-end data pipeline on our CommCare + DHIS2 Digital Health Systems page.

MOTECH can be leveraged to connect your CommCare COVID-19 template application data to the DHIS2 COVID-19 Surveillance Digital Data Package - a digital data package to accelerate case detection, situation reporting, active surveillance and response for COVID-19.