CommCare for COVID-19

CommCare for COVID-19

To support organizations and governments with their ongoing COVID-19 response efforts, Dimagi is providing free resources for our open source digital health platform, CommCare


Template Applications

Dimagi is rapidly deploying free, pre-built COVID-19 template applications. These templates can be used as fully-functioning applications within a desktop or mobile browser and as standalone, offline-capable Android applications to carry out disease surveillance and educational activities based on leading clinical protocols from the World Health Organization, CDC, and others. All free COVID-19 Template Apps are housed in this library (http://www.commcarehq.org/covid19) and can be imported into your CommCare project space.

Please note: you'll need a [free] CommCare account and will need to be logged in before accessing any COVID-19 template app. No account? Create one here.








Web-Based and Mobile Applications (can be used immediately)

Contact Tracing: WHO First Few X (FFX) Cases

This template application reflects the WHO's protocols to investigate the First Few X (FFX) cases and their close contacts. Available in English, French, Spanish, Hindi, and Portuguese.

Port of Entry Surveillance

This application reflects WHO protocols to detect and report on ill travelers and their contacts at points of entry. Used as an intake and surveillance tool at points of entry (airports, seaports, border crossings, etc.)

Facility Readiness and Stock Tracking

Based on WHO protocol, this application enables facility readiness planning and allows for the recording and reporting of specific COVID-19 related resources.

Health Care Provider Training & Monitoring

This application is designed for Health Care Providers (HCPs) with daily symptom screening, self-risk assessments, educational materials & best practices, and a form to submit suggestions for improved facility response to COVID-19.

Sample Tracking & Lab Testing

This application helps manage COVID-19 testing, used by health workers to collect samples and to receive and triage test results.

Home Based Care

This application, designed with Medic Mobile, can be used by Community Health Workers to help facilitate home based care for COVID-19.

COVID-19 RDT Collection

This application, designed with FIND, is built to help support frontline workers who are delivering COVID-19 rapid antigen tests. It supports workers through the process of patient registration, test initiation and result capture.

Messaging Applications (requires Dimagi configuration)

Community Monitoring

With Turn.io and WhatsApp, Dimagi has created a fully automated SMS/WhatsApp based daily screening and tracking solution.

US COVID-19 Local Response System

Per CDC guidelines, Dimagi has developed a web apps + SMS system used for case intake and contact tracing for local American health systems, including in San Francisco, California. 



Other Resources

Pro Bono Subscriptions

Dimagi provided pro bono (free) subscriptions for our mobile application platform, CommCare, for organizations responding to the COVID-19 outbreak. This offer is no longer available but if you are struggling to pay for your CommCare subscription please fill out this Pro Bono Application for consideration.

User Forum

A sub-thread in our CommCare Users Forum for members to share thoughts on deploying CommCare applications for COVID-19.

Multimedia library

Free downloadable multimedia designed by Dimagi's graphic designer for COVID-19 response. Can be used in mobile applications, training guides, etc.


CommCare for COVID-19 Response (March 31, 2020): See the webinar here. Q&A with completed answers here.

Remote Program Monitoring with CommCare (April 22, 2020): See the webinar here.


Acknowledgements and Attributions

Acknowledgements and Attributions

Dimagi would like to thank the Patrick J. McGovern Foundation, Johnson & Johnson’s Center for Health Worker Innovation, and the Open Road Alliance for their generous support to make these rapid response resources freely available.

We'd also like to thank SalesForce and the Tableau Foundation for their support with data visualization efforts, as well as the Inter-American Development Bank for translation support.

Free Materials are published under the Creative Commons CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license. You are free to redistribute and adapt them for non-commercial purposes.