Getting Started: COVID-19 Free Template Apps

This page provides an overview of how to get started with the Free Template Apps that are currently available and links to resources to get started as quickly as possible with this technology. To return to the main Home Page, please go to CommCare for COVID-19.

COVID-19 Free Template Applications 

Dimagi is rapidly deploying free, pre-built COVID-19 web-based template applications. The list of current template applications is available here.

These templates can be used as fully-functioning applications within a desktop or mobile browser and as standalone, offline-capable Android applications to carry out disease surveillance and educational activities based on leading clinical protocols from the World Health Organization, CDC, and others. All free COVID-19 Template Apps are housed in this library ( and can be imported into your CommCare project space.

Please note: you'll need a [free] CommCare account and will need to be logged in before accessing any COVID-19 template app. No account? Create one here.

Getting Started with Template Applications

The Video and Presentation below provide an overview and step-by-step instructions to download one of the Free Template Applications outlined above. 

Dimagi also has many free tools to uses to support users with CommCare. These include a public wiki (the website you are on) and the Dimagi Academy which has CommCare learning tutorials. If you require additional support with your template application, please visit the COVID-19 CommCare Users Forum and see if others have asked your questions. 


Languages Available

Information about translations of each template application is available on the respective application pages.

Additional information about Language configuration in CommCare is available here

Additional Support

Dimagi has many free tools to uses to support users with CommCare. These include a public wiki (this website) and the Dimagi Academy which has CommCare learning tutorials. If you require additional support with your template application, please visit the COVID-19 CommCare Users Forum and see if others have asked your questions.