
This page provides an overview of how to utilise surveys in your OCS chatbot. 

What are Surveys on Open Chat Studio?

The Surveys feature allows chatbot makers to give users a link to a Google form (or any other link to a survey), both at the start and end of an OCS chatbot web session. 

Note: If you create a chatbot experiment, add pre- and/or post-surveys and deploy the bot on WhatsApp or Telegram, users will not be able to see the links to the survey or provide responses.  If you deploy your OCS chatbot on WhatsApp or Telegram but would still like to capture pre- or post-survey questions, options include: 

  • Incorporating survey questions in your prompt and structuring the prompt such that the chatbot starts and ends with questions as you would like it to. 

  • Sending users links to a Google form or other kind of survey directly, before or after providing them with the link to the chatbot. 


Example of a pre-survey when using an OCS bot on the web


Example of a post-survey when using an OCS bot on the web

Create a Survey

The very first step is to create a survey and generate a web link for that survey. For example, you might use Google forms to create pre- and post-surveys. Once this step is complete, navigate to the "Surveys" option on the left-hand menu on Open Chat Studio and follow the steps given below to add your survey(s) to a chatbot. 

  1. Select "Add New". 

  2. Name:  This is a name for you / your team members on OCS to identify between different surveys you may create. Note that the users of your chatbot will not be able to see this survey name. 

  3. URL: Add the URL of your survey. 

  4. Confirmation text: This is the text a user sees when they see the link to the survey, before they begin to use the chatbot. You can edit this text as you'd like. Here, it's also important to add the following text such that the bot knows to reference the URL you've added: Survey link: {survey_link}. 

  • Example: Before starting the experiment, we ask that you complete a short survey. Please click on the survey link, fill it out, and, when you have finished, select the checkbox to confirm you have completed it. Survey link: {survey_link}. 

If you'd like to include both a pre- and post-survey, carry out the process above twice, one for each survey. 

Final Step

When creating your chatbot, be sure to select your choice of surveys from the drop down menu. (Note that the menu will not be populated unless you or your team members on OCS have created surveys).