Saving date to a ledger: Setting up transaction questions
- This will allow you to create or update your ledger quantities.
- Used inside a repest group, you can iterate over your product list and update for example the stock values.
Question ID: whatever you want
Source/Destination case: this is the id of the case of the ledger or entity id.
If you want to apply the transaction to a ledger of the current case use: instance('commcaresession')/session/data/case_id
- For supply chain, if you want to use the supply-point case of the user: instance('commcaresession')/session/user/data/commtrack-supply-point
- If you want to select the select supply point case (see here), use: instance('commcaresession')/session/data/case_id_case_supply-point
- Any case id can be used here.
Balance ID: This is the name of the ledger. The default should be “stock” but you can create any id you want.
Product: current()/../../../@id (3 dots)
This exact text should be used for a transfer inside a group.
If the transfer question is in a group in the repeat add one set of double dots and use: current()/../../../../@id
Quantity: value to set the ledger quantity with. It can reference a question in the repeat where you ask about, or calculate quantity. Normal calculates work fine here.