Fuzzy search is an improved case list search tool. It can help find cases based on the values of properties that are close to, but do not exactly match, the search terms.
How it Works
When a field in the Case List is included in the list of Sort Fields in the case list in CommCare HQ, fuzzy matching is enabled. For more information on setting up fields to sort by see Case List and Case Detail Configuration.
You should expect that in CommCare mobile when you have a field that is applicable for fuzzy matching that after you type more than 3 characters CommCare should identify words that are very close to whatever is typed into the search box.
Exact matches are shown in yellow, while fuzzy matches are in green.
For example, if you are searching for Christy, you could type Chrsty, or Kristy, or Christine and still find Christy.
How to Configure Fuzzy Search
Fuzzy search is available in CommCareODK for Android versions 2.15 and higher, for applications built in CommCare version 2.15 or higher. It is active by default and can be turned off by going to Application Settings - > Android Settings.
As noted above you must include the case property you want to use fuzzy search for in your Case List and Case Detail Configuration
- Fuzzy search is not available on CommCare for Feature Phones
- This feature works for multiple languages, including those in non-Roman scripts like Hindi.