CommTrack provides configurable filters in every CommTrack-specific report (see following figures).
The filters you can apply include:
Filter by location
Filter by program
Filter by date
Filter by form
Filter by Location
The first available filter is the location filter. By clicking the drop-down menu and select the administrative district, a whole list of facilities in this group would be returned. Selecting the specific location you want to view the report. By default all locations registered in CommTrack system will be displayed.
Figure 2.
Filter by Program
The second standard filter allows web users to view reports of facilities based on the program they are associated with. By default all programs created in the system are selected.
Figure 3.
Filter by Date
The third filter is the date range filter. To specify a date range, simply click the default date in boxes to the right of 'From' and 'To' and select the date from the calendar popup. The end date cannot be later than the day you are visiting the report. Or you could also type in the date and the calendar popup will get updated accordingly.
Figure 4.
In the example above, stock status reports for all locations registered in CommTrack system submitted between Mar 11 and March 17, 2014 will be returned.
Filter by Form
Note: In some cases you may want admin person in each facility to view their own reports but not being able to access each other's report. In this case they should be disabled to change the input of Location- and Program-based filtering. This can be done by associating such web users with specific locations and programs. (See instructions here)