View Exact Data Sent to the Device
View Restore Data for Any Mobile User in HQ | |
View All Data Associated with a User: | |
App Specific: |{my-project-space}/phone/restore/{app_id}/?as={user}@{my-project-space} (assumes current state of the app, not particular build) |
Build Specific: | |
Additional Parameters | |
since={previous restore id} | Incremental response since the previous sync. |
items=true | Include the item number in the response. |
overwrite_cache=true | Don't return a cached value but rather recompute the response. Deletes the cache, so the next time you sync on the phone, it will use the newly computed result. |
raw=true | Raw restore response without the UI. |
device_id={device_id} | Fake a restore from a particular device id. WebApps uses a device ID of the form "WebAppsLogin". |
app_id={app_id} | Restore using app aware sync. This will only sync down the reports for that particular application. |
case_sync={clean_owners | livequery} | Select which case sync algorithm to use with this restore |
hide_xml=true | Shows only aggregate case counts, without loading associated XML data |
fail_hard=true | Useful to debug issues where restore has missing or unexpected data. Instead of swallowing up UCR fixture errors during a restore, this forces a 500 error which a dev can investigate to find the root cause. |