Please make sure you've selected a default gateway for your project (Gateway Options for SMS Projects). To choose a gateway, please go to Messaging -> SMS Connectivity. More details can be found on Setup SMS Connection for Project.
2. Make Sure Your Phone Number is Supported by your Gateway
If the message is not received by your phone, your selected gateway may not be supported by the project. Please try a different gateway or contact Dimagi Support.
3. Check the Scheduled Messaging Events report
If the message is intended from a mobile worker, please ensure that the mobile worker is properly setup for (Configure a Mobile Worker for Messaging). Make sure the phone number is in the correct format (includes the country code and phone number. For example, 19058131234 will work for a Canadian number or 919560187612 for an Indian number). Please
Please note, for the India Unicel gateway, the user will need to opt into messages from Dimagi (send the word Start to +91 77 60 962755). . Please see this help page for more information.
6. Case - Ensure Correct Phone Number & Case Name
Please ensure that the case is properly setup for CommCare Messaging (Registering a Case Contact). Make sure that your case has the case property contact_phone_number.number and the case property name (name should not be null)
7. SMS Gotchas
MACH sometimes changes the sender ID (or the phone number the recipient sees as the source of the SMS)
8. Bulk Messaging Regulations
Please note, for Telerivet gateway it's important to check the country's regulations which might limit the amount of messages being sent at a time if sending bulk messages. Honduras specifically has regulations in place that limits an bulk messaging within the country.