Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.




  • If you are using 2FA or SSO, please enter your email address and your API Key (as password) when Power BI/Tableau Desktop asks for credentials. 

  • OData feeds are not recommended to be used with MS Excel, and support will not be provided for workflows that utilize the method.

  • The "number" column in the OData feeds will export the case_id or form_id of the case instead of a serial number. This is because “numbers” usually shift around with pagination and when data being continuously updated. Case_ids or form_ids are the only ID that remain constant, and hence we’re using the case or form ids in the number column, so that when a refresh is done, the export is able to identify case or form ids that were previously exported, which then prevents duplicates.

(info) Performance Considerations: 

  • OData feeds is our entry-level solution for integration with PowerBi and Tableau. It has been optimized for ease of use, so that non technical users can build quick integrations. 

  • However, OData feeds do not support incremental refresh, i.e. each time you refresh, the entire dataset is refreshed. You can mitigate performance issues by publishing the data viz/report from Tableau/PowerBi Desktop to Tableau Online or PowerBI Service, where you can configure the data viz/report to refresh automatically on a schedule defined by you. If you are still unhappy with the performance, please consider using our Data Export Tool to build a CommCare → SQL DB → PowerBi/Tableau data pipeline. Our Data Export tool supports incremental refresh and is designed for enabling performant data pipelines. Performance can vary depending on the data model, but generally speaking we have started to see performance issues start around 500,000 rows per case or form export configured via the OData feed.


Useful Tips

Set-up a web user read-only role limited to read OData feeds:

  • Navigate to Users / Roles & Permissions

  • Click +Add Role at the bottom of the page

  • Provide a name to this role: e.g. Read-Only OData

  • Unselect all permissions except the ones below:

    • Export Form Data (if necessary)

    • Export Case Data (if necessary)

    • PowerBI/Tableau Integration

    • Allow role to access data from all locations

  • Save and assign this role to a user


Error Message and Plausible root cause


Example Screenshot


Steps to Fix the error

Unable to connect

Plausible root cause:

A checkbox question could be causing an issue in your feed.

You may need to either de-select the checkbox questions option, or add a delimiter option for the erroring property.


Solution 1

  1. Navigate to the feed that is causing the error on CommCare HQ

  2. Click on Copy & Edit Feed button and uncheck the Expanded Checkbox Questions checkbox

    Image Removed
  3. Then use the edited feed in the integration with Power BI

Solution 2


Navigate to the OData feed that is causing an error on CommCare HQ


Click on Copy & Edit Feed button


Then use the edited feed in the integration with Power BI


There was an error processing your dataset

Plausible root cause:

If you have a large number of feeds or data, the request may be timing out.

You may need to increase the timeout period for the query.


Then change the settings as follows in the Implementation box for each feed included in your query:
    Source = OData.Feed("[domain]/api/v0.5/odata/cases/[uuid]/feed"", null, [Implementation="2.0", Timeout=#duration(0, 0, 90, 0) ])in


Then click on Done once finished with making the changes.


Bulk delete Power BI/Tableau Integration Feeds

The bulk delete Power BI/Tableau integration feed gives you the option to bulk delete multiple exports at once. 
