Application Guidelines |
| The application has been designed to screen travelers for COVID-19 risk factors and symptoms at air, sea, rail and land Ports of Entry and to record their travel companions or close contacts. To establish a mechanism for communicating alerts of suspected COVID-19 cases between Port of Entry health authorities, transport sector officials and national health surveillance systems, the application has also been designed to integrate with the COVID-19 Tracking template application based on the WHO First Few X (FFX) Cases protocol. It is envisioned that screening will be conducted across several countries or sites with geographic and demographic diversity. Following guidelines from the WHO, the application allows epidemiological exposure data to be systematically collected and shared rapidly in a format that can be easily aggregated, tabulated and analyzed across many different settings globally for timely estimates of 2019-nCoV infection severity and transmissibility, as well as to inform public health responses and policy decisions. This is particularly important in the context of a novel respiratory pathogen, such as 2019-nCoV. You can access interim guidance for point of entry and mass gatherings directly on the WHO’s website. |
CommCare Application Details
This application was developed around the WHO interim guidelines, including the Management of ill travelers at Points of Entry (international airports, seaports, and ground crossings) in the context of COVID-19. The tables below break down the role of each form in the CommCare application, including:
Ui expand |
title | Travelers & Travel Companions |
Form name: CommCare | Form Name: WHO | Form Purpose | Summary of content | Collecting information from whom | Timing of data collection | Screen Traveler | Traveler Public Health Declaration Form | This form registers all travelers into the application and screens them for COVID-19 symptoms and risk of exposure. | Traveler identification and locator information Data collector information Traveler Symptoms Traveler Exposures Screening Assessment | All travelers at a port of entry | As soon as possible before traveler entry or exit | Conduct Secondary Screening | Secondary Screening Form | This form follows up with a traveler that has been referred for secondary screening or additional evaluation. | Traveler identification and locator information Data collector information Traveler Symptoms (detailed) Traveler Exposures (detailed) Travel Outcome and Medical Intervention (detailed) | For travelers who are suspected or probable COVID-19 cases | As soon as possible after the suspected case is detected or notified | Add Travel Contacts | Passenger Locator Form | This forms registers all close contacts and travel companions of a traveler referred for secondary screening. | Travel Companion Details and Contact Information | For travelers who are suspected or probable COVID-19 cases | As soon as possible after the suspected case is detected or notified | Convert to High Risk Traveler | N/A | This form converts a traveler screened as low-risk or cleared to a high-risk traveler. | Confirmation of conversion of traveller’s status from low-risk to high-risk | For travelers whose risk level has been reassessed | When the primary screening form has already been filled out | Record Travel Companions | Passenger Locator Form | This forms registers all close contacts and travel companions of a traveler referred for secondary screening. | Travel Companion Details and Contact Information | For travelers who are suspected or probable COVID-19 cases | As soon as possible after the suspected case is detected or notified |
App Case Types and Relationships
This application was designed to integrate seamlessly with programs following the WHO First Few X (FFX) Cases protocol so the case structure mimics that of the COVID-19 Template app. Figure 1 represents the application’s current case structure.