Form Builder

The CommCare Form Builder is a no-code tool that allows anyone to build their own forms in CommCare, which can then be launched into CommCare applications. This section provides a high-level overview of how to use the CommCare form builder.

General Guidance

Getting Started

1. Login to CommCare.

2. Navigate to the Dashboard.

3. From the Applications section, click an application name or click new application.

4. From the left navigation panel, click a form name. 

The question tree for the form is displayed.

Form Builder Tools

Question Tree

The question tree displays all contents of a form and allows for editing and adding questions. It is structured in a branched view for ease of navigation.

Screenshot 2024-04-24 at 8.50.14 PM.png

1. Navigate to an application of interest.

2. Open the Form Builder.

3. From the question tree, click the Add Question drop-down.

4. Select the question type of interest.

Note: The drag-and-drop method can be used to organize questions in the question tree after they are created. The question tree can be displayed by question ID rather than language by changing the Display setting in the Form Tools menu.

Question Types

There are several question types available for use in forms that capture data in multiple ways. Some require advanced formatting skills.

Please see for a full list of information: List of Question Types in CommCare.

Question Properties

After adding questions, the content, structure, and function of the questions are controlled with properties.

To access question properties

1. Navigate to an application of interest
2. Open the Form Builder
3. From the question tree, click a question of interest

The question properties window is displayed.

Note: More than one user can make changes to a form simultaneously. CommCare will prompt users to overwrite current changes or revert to the last saved version of the form if this occurs. When managing form properties, it is recommended that changes are saved often. CommCare will prompt mobile users to save changes prior to exiting a form in an application.

Display Text: text displayed to mobile users

Note: If the form will be deployed in more than one language, a field is displayed for each language.

Question ID: unique ID for questions displayed in reporting features but not visible to mobile users

Note: Responses to form questions are reported in relation to question IDs.

Requirement: marks questions mandatory so they cannot be unanswered
Note: Users receive an error message if a required question is skipped.

Form Tools

Once questions are added to a form and properties are set, form tools can be used to manage views, export data, edit source code, etc. Some functions in this menu are appropriate for use by advanced users only. 

To access form tools

1. Navigate to an application of interest

2. Open the Form Builder

3. Click the menu icon next to the form name

The form tools menu will be displayed.


Question Property Tools

• Question Type menu: changes a question type

Note: All choices in a multiple-choice question should be removed prior to changing a question type.

Delete: deletes a question or group of questions

Note: This change cannot be undone.

Show menu: displays options for sections of form properties to be displayed or hidden

  • Logic: controls when questions are asked and what questions are valid

  • Display Condition: (also referred to as skip logic) determines conditions under which questions are displayed

📖 Learn more at
Note: The expression editor can be used to aide in adding conditions.
📖 Learn more in the

  • Validation Condition: ensures responses meet specified constraints

    • Default value: displays a value upon accessing a form question which can be changed by the user

    • Required Condition: determines conditions under which questions are required. Only functional if the Required checkbox is enabled.

Note: Does not apply to all question types.
📖Learn more at Validation Conditions | Basic Validation Conditions.

  • Media: add audio, image, and video files to questions

📖Learn more at Multimedia in CommCare.

Advanced: used for formatting applications using advanced features such as writing XML code for logic

  • Validation Error Message: displays a message when a user response does not meet specified constraints
    Note: Messages are specific to the deployed language of the form.

  • Data parent: links a form question as a child of another question

  • Appearance Attribute: defines an appearance for questions
    Note: This is especially helpful for advanced formatting.

📖Learn more at

  • Comment: a field to add notes about application design choices (Example: question purpose, hidden value explanation)
    Note: Comments are only visible as a bubble above Question Properties in the Form Builder.

  • Hint Message: displays a message below label text to provide clarification to a question
    Note: Messages over two lines of text are cut off after the character display limit is reached. Users can click a message to see full text.

  • Help Text: provides additional information about questions
    Note: Users will click the information icon to see full text.

  • Add Help Media: displays media to aid users in responding to questions

  • Add Other Content: text displayed to users
    Note: Display text should be included for each language of application deployment.

▫   Short: abbreviated version of display text

Note: This is especially useful for us on devices that Java chat applications.

▫   Long:  long version of display text

Form Settings

All forms also have behind the scenes Form Settings. Learn more at