Admin Actions on CommCare Feature Phones

CommCare for Nokia Feature Phones has a special user type called "admin" which can configure a number of different settings and user management.


Restore User Data

CommCare has the ability to restore a user’s data from the server in case something happens to the phone or the application. (See use cases below).

When you restore data on a user's phone, you will overwrite all of that current user's data. In other words, if there are unsent forms saved on the phone, and the application is deleted, these forms will also be lost. As long as the phone has a working GPRS connection, you can easily restore to any mobile phone all data (i.e. client list) that a registered user has sent to the server. 

1) Start up the CommCare app and log in as "admin"

2) Hit the "options" softkey and select "Restore User Data"

3) Enter the username and password of the user whose data you want to restore

4) Wait for the success message!

5) Once a user is registered, the username assigned will appear in the username field by default. To access admin settings, you must clear the name here and type ‘admin’ and enter the password.



Use Cases

  1. User accidentally deletes the application. Data submitted to the server before the deletion can be restored to the phone once the application is re-installed. 

  2. A revised application needs to be installed. Existing CommCare needs to be deleted; the updated application needs to be installed. User data to date that was submitted to the server needs to be restored to the phone.

  3. This is the first installation of CommCare. User accounts were created on CommCareHQ. User account needs to be restored to the phone that will be used for data collection, even though there is no data submitted to date.

If the use case is #2:

You should give the application the opportunity to send any unsent forms to the server before deleting the application. Some useful steps to follow to do this:

  1. Open the old (to be replaced) CommCare application on the phone.

  2. Ensure that the area has good network coverage.

  3. You will know if an ‘E’ or ‘G’ appears in the top left hand corner of the login screen.

  4. You can double check if the data was successfully received by the server using two methods:

    1. Verify directly on CommCareHQ:

      1. Login to the domain and select the Reports menu.

      2. Under the Data Inspection panel, choose the Submit History report.

      3. Verify if this user’s data submitted in real-time.

  5. Verify by viewing logs on the phone.

 If use case is #3:

… and usernames were created on CommCareHQ, for a new install you will need to retrieve the user’s registration details to the phone using the general procedure outlined above.


Create a new mobile worker account

Admin users can also register a user from the mobile. After logging in as admin, select "New User" from the options menu and follow the directions. You will need network connectivity in order to do this.