Setup SMS Connection

Setup SMS Connection

Step 1: Set up your SMS Gateway

CommCare provides a configurable Messaging system for sending SMS. To enable it in a particular location, you must establish an SMS gateway that provides SMS in your target region.

You can read more about your gateway options here: Gateway Options for SMS Projects

Step 2: Connect your Gateway in CommCare

Set a Project Gateway Connection

Go to the Messaging tab, select Dashboard and then select SMS Connectivity in the left menu. 

Choose a gateway as the default.  If needed, add another gateway (HTTP or Android).  

Add Another Connection

If you'd like to use a different connection for your project, you can add it using the "Add Another Gateway" option at the bottom of the page.  

Choose Telerivet (Android) to setup an Android phone based connection (https://dimagi.atlassian.net/wiki/x/zBnKfw).