Copy an Application between Projects or Servers

Copy an Application between Projects or Servers

Copying an App between Projects on the Same Server

Notes: If you need to copy an application between different project spaces, or to the same project space, see https://dimagi.atlassian.net/wiki/x/-inKfw.

Copying an App between Servers

If you need to transfer an application between servers (for example, if you are a developer running CommCare HQ locally, or have a second instance of CommCare HQ running elsewhere):

  1. On the server containing the app you want to copy, go to the URL: http://[SERVER ADDRESS]/a/[PROJECT NAME]/apps/source/<APP_ID>.  For example: https://www.commcarehq.org/a/demo/apps/source/071abeb39a1039df30613c494caa9bc3

  2. You should see a block of JSON-formatted text. Right click to save this page as a file with .json extension.

  3. On the new server, go to the following URL http://[SERVER ADDRESS]/a/[PROJECT NAME]/apps/import_app/.

  4. Add an application name, and upload the app json file downloaded above.

  5. Click Import Application.


  • This will not copy users and groups.

  • This will not copy organization structure or levels.

  • This will not copy user fields. 

  • This will not copy lookup tables (aka fixtures).

  • This will not copy multimedia from the app. Use the bulk multimedia download/upload to move multimedia.

  • This will not copy feature flags, although it will copy over any feature-flagged content in the application (e.g., advanced modules), which may behave unexpectedly if the domain being copied to does not have the correct flags enabled.