Beginner Tutorial
This tutorial will introduce how to begin to build a CommCare application through the CommCareHQ application builder.
We are going to start with a simple application in which there is one form: a form to screen a pregnant woman.
Have you reviewed CommCare Fundamentals?
Before starting this tutorial, please make sure you have reviewed CommCare Fundamentals, the first tutorial about CommCare. It contains important basic information about CommCare that will help you in completing this tutorial.
Do you have everything you need?
A good Internet connection
Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox Web Browser (CommCareHQ DOES NOT work well on Internet Explorer; you can download Chrome for free here). See also: Internet Browsers for CommCare HQ
Email access (if it’s your first time working on CommCareHQ)
Any Questions before we start?
Help! My English is not good or I want to send this to someone who doesn't read English!
Don't worry! We have beginner resources in French (WARNING:not all materials are up-to-date), Spanish, and Indonesian. Recommended:You can now choose the language of the help site using the Google widget on the top left hand side of this page. This will help in reading the Help Site materials but may be difficult when building the application.
I already know how to do this!
Great, no need to waste time here! Go ahead to another tutorial.
What do I do?
Throughout this tutorial, instructions on what to do are indicated in bold italics. Other text is for your information or clarification. Click on "Setting up a new CommCare Workspace" below to get started.
Get Started with the different sections of this tutorial:
Setting up a new CommCare Workspace (you can skip this if you already have a CommCareHQ workspace and account)
Setting up your Application - learn how to navigate in the CommCare Application Builder
Using the Form Designer - make your first CommCare form
Testing a Form in Web Apps - a simple way to test your form and application before downloading to a mobile device
Adding Form Logic - the next step in making your form usable!
Ready for more? Go to our Application Building Tutorial Series for more advanced tutorials!