Messaging Events
To provide users access to the messaging data.
The data in this API is based around a nested data mode:
Messaging Event
This is the core data model for the API and represents a messaging event linked to a specific recipient and from a specific source e.g. Conditional Alert
This is the actual message that went to the user
A single event may have multiple messages e.g. SMS surveys which will have one message per interaction with the recipient.
Authentication: For more information, please review Authenticationarchived.
Base URL:[domain]/api/[version]/mesaging-event/
Supported versions: v0.5
These are the filter parameters that the API call can use. Examples of how to use the filters in an API call appear below.
Name | Description | Filters On | Example |
limit | Number of records to return Defaults to 20, maximum 5000 | limit=100 | |
cursor | Used for pagination. Value provided in the API response. See Pagination. | || (less than) date.lte |
(less than or equal to) (greater than) date.gte (greater than or equal to) | Accepts ISO 8601 formats: YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS e.g. 2020-07-14, 2020-07-13T06:53:38.059518 If the timestamp portion of the filter is omitted for the `.lte` or `.gte` filters the results will include all events on that date. | | (before a date) date.lte=2021-05-01 (on or before a date) (after a date) date.gte=2021-05-01 (on or after a date) | date_last_activity.lte date_last_activity.gte | Date filter against Accepts ISO 8601 formats: YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS e.g. 2020-07-14, 2020-07-13T06:53:38.059518 If the timestamp portion of the filter is omitted for the `.lte` or `.gte` filters the results will include all events on that date. | event.date_last_activity Date of last update related to this event. | |
content_type | Filter on the content type of the event e.g. sms sms-survey manual-sms api-sms chat-sms | event content_type | content_type=sms |
source | Filter on the source of the event e.g. broadcast (includes scheduled-broadcast, immediate-broadcast) scheduled-broadcast immediate-broadcast keyword reminder conditional-alert | source type | source=broadcast |
status | Filter on the status of the event e.g. error completed email-sent | event.status message.status | status=error |
error_code | Filter on the event error code e.g. NO_PHONE_NUMBER NO_RECIPIENT NO_MESSAGE | event.error_code | error_code=NO_MESSAGE |
phone_number | Filter on the recipient phone number | event.message.phone_number | |
email_address | Filter on the recipient email addres | event.message.email_address | |
case_id | Filter on the event case ID | event.case_id |
These sorting parameters can be applied to the existing search results alongside the filters.
Sort Parameter | Description |
order_by=date | Order data by (ascending) |
order_by=-date | Order data by (descending) |
order_by=date_last_activity | Order data by event.date_last_activity (ascending) |
order_by=-date_last_activity | Order data by event.date_last_activity (descending) |
This API makes use of cursor pagination. Each request will include a "" field which will contain a URL that can be used to fetch the next page of data. This URL includes all the filters that were supplied with the original request and should be used without modification.
If "" is 'null' it means there is no more data.
# First request[domain]/api/v0.5/messaging-event/?content_type=sms
{"objects": [{}, {}, {}...], "meta": {"limit": 20, "next": "[domain]/api/v0.5/messaging-event/?cursor=XYZ}}
# Request for next page[domain]/api/v0.5/messaging-event/?cursor=XYZ
{"objects": [{}, {}, {}...], "meta": {"limit": 20, "next": "[domain]/api/v0.5/messaging-event/?cursor=ABC}}
# Request for next page[domain]/api/v0.5/messaging-event/?cursor=ABC
{"objects": [{}, {}, {}...], "meta": {"limit": 20, "next": null}}
# "" is null so there is no more data
Sample Output
JSON Format
API Results
"objects": [
"id": 10215869,
"content_type": "email",
"date": "2020-05-15T04:11:27.482899",
"date_last_activity": "2020-05-15T04:11:27.482899",
"case_id": "523132e0-a562-4be1-bbc8-a634423c5c0c",
"domain": "ny-dev-cdcms",
"error": null,
"form": null,
"messages": [
"message_id": 153444,
"date": "2021-04-13T21:25:26.989",
"date_modified": null,
"type": "sms",
"direction": "outgoing",
"content": "Welcome to CommCare",
"status": "sent",
"phone_number": "+15555993494"
"recipient": {
"recipient_id": "523132e0-a562-4be1-bbc8-a634423c5c0c",
"type": "case",
"name": "Mary Little"
"source": {
"source_id": "4654",
"type": "conditional-alert",
"name": "Email - Welcome Packet"
"status": "completed"
"meta": {
"limit": 20,
"next": "[domain]/api/v0.5/messaging-event/?cursor=ZGF0ZS5ndGU9MjAyMC0wNS0xN1QyMCUzQTM3JTNBMTEuNzU3OTQwJmxhc3Rfb2JqZWN0X2lkPTEwMjUwOTYw"
Sample APIs[domain]/api/v0.5/messaging-event/?[FILTER-NAME]=[FILTER-VALUE]
Example of single filter:[domain]/api/v0.5/messaging-event/?date.gte=2020-07-13T06:30:21.109409
Example filter shown:
Example of multiple filters:[domain]/api/v0.5/messaging-event/?content_type=sms&phone_number=1234567
Example filters shown:
API Fields and Data Structure
Field | Note |
id | Event ID |
date | Event Date e.g. 2020-07-13T06:30:21.136197 |
date_last_activity | Date of the last message activity for this event. This is useful for exports since the ‘date’ field is the date of creation. |
domain | The Project Space this event belongs to. |
content_type | Type of the event e.g. sms, email, sms_survey |
case_id | ID of the case if this event related to one |
status | Status of this event e.g. error, completed, in_progress |
source (nested object) | |
recipient (nested object) | |
form (nested object) | |
error (nested object) | |
messages (list of nested objects) |