Advanced Case Management Tutorial Part 2 - Advanced use of the Case List
We now have many saved case properties and one thing we can immediately do with them is to reference them in the Case List view.
Distinguish between Case List and Case Details
Add/remove properties from the Case List and Case Details
Change Display Text of properties in the Case List and Details
Change case properties to the appropriate format in Case List and Details
We now have many saved case properties and one thing we can immediately do with them is to reference them in the Case List view
Adding Properties to the Case List
Navigate to the Case List tab of the "Pregnancy" Menu (previously called "Case List" Menu)
You can add to the Case List by clicking on Add Property and then starting to type the name of the property. A dropdown will provide suggestions of properties that have already been saved to the case.
Click on Add Property and then type in lmp to add it to the list of items that will show up in your Case List
You should now have two items in your Case List: name and lmp
Change Display Text
For each property we can change the Display Text- the text that the user sees. Just type directly into the box.
Change the Display Text for "Name" to "Woman's Name"
Change the Display Text for "Lmp" to "LMP Date"
Change Property Format
If you click on one of the Format drop-down menus you will see a number of different options:
You can find details on each of these at Case List and Case Detail Configuration. There are lots of useful designs you can introduce using the appropriate format.
Change the Format for lmp to "Date"
You now have a case list with two properties, using the most appropriate format and readable display text:
Distinguishing Case List and Case Details
This may be a good time to distinguish between Case List and Case Details
Case List - this identifies the properties that are used in the list of cases. For example, if you tried out the Basic Case Management Tutorial app on a phone, you would have found that when you clicked on the Home Visit form, instead of going directly to the form you were brought to a list which showed the name of the Pregnant Woman. That is because in the Basic tutorial we only kept "name" in the Case List. However, you can put any case property in the Case List, and can even remove the name if you choose to. It is important, however, to remember that the case list shows one case per row, so on most phones there is only enough room for two properties in the case list.
Here is an example of a case list that shows two properties- "Name" and "Date of Referral"
Case Details - this is the list of additional information that the user will see about each case. After the user selects a case from the case list, they will see case details. There is no real technical limit to how many details you can include in a case details view, but think about what will be useful for the mobile user to see before starting a session with a particular client.
Here is an example of how a case details view might appear on a smartphone:
Case List and Case Details are configured on two separate tabs in the module. So far you have been working on the case list, but we will also want to add to the case details.
Configuring Case Details
Go to the Case Detail tab
You will notice that "name" is already added as a property
Add two additional properties, total_children and feeling_sick, by clicking on Add Property and typing the property name.
There should now be 3 case properties in the Case Details. You may notice that we are keeping the property name in both case list and details - depending upon what is best for your users it may make sense to keep some properties in both places.
Update the Display Text until it looks like this:
You can remove properties by clicking on the "X" on the right side of any row.
You can change the order of properties by grabbing on the left side of any row and dragging it up and down.
Don't forget to save!
Advanced Use of the Case List
Advanced Configurations of the Case List
Sorting the case list is a very powerful tool. For example, organizing a case list alphabetically may be useful for some workers wanting to quickly find a case (though they can also search in the list).
However, you could also sort by something like a date, which may help to prioritize certain cases. For example, if you had a case property called next_visit, you may want to sort your case list by that property so that the cases with an upcoming next_visit date go to the top of the list.
You can sort by a case property by clicking on the Add Sort Property button in the Case List tab. You can then choose the property, or series of properties you want to sort by, and specify the direction of sorting. A property does not have to be displayed in the Case List in order for you to sort by it.
You can also filter the case list. For example, you may have a module that only deals with very malnourished children, so you only want to see children with the correct status in the case list. The image below provides an example of how you would configure your case list to only display the names of severely malnourished children.
Learn more about configuring sorting and filtering by visiting the Case List and Case Detail Configuration page on the Help Site.