Legend and Terminology

Legend and Terminology

Color Legend

Patient doses will be manually updated by staff users after monitoring a patient's dose. These colors will be seen throughout the Provider Application to display treatment progress.

Open Dose
Taken Dose

Held - Dose was held for the day
Rescheduled - Dose was rescheduled for the day
Challenge Series - Dose was part of a challenge regimen


Dose Data Legend

Dose data is manually added by staff users when reviewing patient doses. The dose data icons will display on patient Adherence Calendars based on the data added by staff users.

The stethoscope icon indicates that the patient had side effects on the given day.


The warning icon indicates that the patient was flagged for follow up on the given day.

The notepad icon indicates that comments were made on the given day.

Event Legend

Please note, your program may not be using all the events supported by the SureAdhere platform.

Patients may record videos of their daily doses. Once the video has been uploaded, patient providers may watch the videos in the CMS.

On a day where a virtual visit took place with a staff user and a patient, a Virtual Visit event will be captured in the events bar. The event will display the meta data for the call, such as when the call took place, how long it lasted, and any recorded comments.

In-person events may be recorded by patients when they are recording their video dose with the provider on any given day. 


Self-reported events may be recorded by patients either after a video is recorded or on its own. 

MERM events will be recorded in the CMS when a patient opens their MERM box. In the Provider Application, providers may review MERM details such as, the date the patient opened their box, date the heartbeat was uploaded, signal strength, battery level, etc.


Adherence Tab:  Where staff users watch patient videos, record whether and how patients have taken their medication, and identify side effects reported by patients. Located in a patient's record

Android:  One of two types of smartphones available to use the SureAdhere VDOT platform.

Asynchronous Video: Recorded videos that patients send from the SureAdhere mobile app to the Provider Application.

Provider Application: A secure, web-based environment where staff users can input and store patient information, medication regimens, adherence records, and overall treatment progress.

Dashboard Tab: Where staff users can see an overview of adherence performance for patients, see a list of patients filtered using specified criteria, and review the side effects and progress for a list of patients. Staff users can also view a graphical representation of the number of doses reviewed & categorized (taken, missed, unknown, etc.) and open doses waiting to be reviewed.

Dose Status: Refers to whether a dose was Taken (green), Open (orange), Missed (red), Unknown (blue), Held (purple), and Scheduled (cream).

Dose Observation Summary: Where staff users provide information on the status of a patient dose, how it was taken, whether the dose counts towards overall adherence, and additional dose details. Located on the Adherence tab of the Patient’s tab.

Drug Schedule Summary: All of the drugs, corresponding dosages and administration frequency for a single regimen, located on the Regimen page.

Filters:  Functionality located on the Dashboard and Staff Tabs that allow a staff user to view patients by site, treatment monitor, patient manager, and disease and staff accounts by site.

In-Person Event: (Feature Request) Survey question in SureAdhere mobile application that indicates whether a patient was with their provider at the time of recording their dose.

iPhone: One of two types of smartphones available to use the SureAdhere VDOT system.

iOS: The operating system used to run an iPhone.

MERM/Smart Pill Box: (Feature Request) Smartpill box that sends a signal to the Provider Application upon opening. 

Medical Record Number (MRN):  An optional patient identifier determined by a clinic or site and located in the Profile page.

Messages tab:  A page in the Patient’s record where staff users can send patients SMS text messages like reminders to take their medications and to call the clinic to schedule an appointment; and where video visits will be scheduled and initiated.

Overview Tab:  The first place to review the progress of a specific patient. It is a patient dashboard where staff users can view overall adherence.

Patient Record:  This is a patient account within the Provider Application and can be used to store all information related to a patient’s treatment.

Patients Tab:  This is where the major case management work is done in the Provider Application. Patient information regarding drug regimens, adherence progress, and side effects is inputted and reviewed. There are five sub-tabs or pages located on the Patients tab: Overview, Adherence, Regimen, Profile and Notifications

PIN:  A Personal Identification Number is a four-digit number used with a user ID by the patient to log in to the smartphone device to record and upload videos. The PIN can be obtained and reset by a Patient Manager or Treatment Monitor by using the Profile page. A PIN can be given to a patient over the phone or in-person, or sent to a patient via text message.

Profile Tab: Located on the Patients Tab, the Profile page is where account, contact, treatment team, and treatment start and end dates are provided. In addition, PINs can be reset and sent to patients for logging in to the SA app on a mobile device for recording and uploading videos.

Reports Tab:  The Reports tab is where staff users can access all pre-prepared reports, including Compliance, Active Patient, Active Manager, and Disabled Account reports.

Regimen Tab:  Located on the Patients tab, the Regimens page is where staff users can create, review and change the medication regimen assigned to a patient.

Self-Reported Event: (Feature Request) Survey question in SureAdhere mobile application that indicates whether a patient was with their provider at the time of recording their dose.

Staff Account Roles:

Client Administrator: Creates all levels of staff accounts except for Client Administrator. This role is for staff account creation only and does not provide access to patient data. A Client Administrator may be an administrator in a state health department or clinic. This type of account is created by SureAdhere personnel.

Site Staff Administrator: Creates all levels of staff accounts except for Client Administrator. This role is for staff account creation only and does not provide access to patient data. A Site Staff Administrator may be an administrator or supervisor in a county public health department or clinic.

Site Manager:  Can view all patient data but cannot create staff accounts. This role may be assigned to a supervising Nurse Manager who is not assigned to a patient’s treatment team. A Site Manager may be a supervisor or manager in a county public health department or clinic.

Patient Manager:  Has access to all functionality except account creation and can view all patient data. This role may also be called a Nurse Case Manager and is assigned to a patient’s treatment team.

Treatment Monitor Has access to all functionality except account creation and can view all patient data. This role may also be called an Outreach or DOT Worker/Monitor and is assigned to a patient’s treatment team.

Test Account: Staff and patient accounts that can be set up by a Client Administrator or Site Staff Administrator to allow staff members to practice using the Provider Application. 

Treatment Team: Although the makeup of treatment teams will differ across clinics and disease conditions, in the SureAdhere Provider Application a treatment team can be comprised of a Patient Manager (oftentimes a registered nurse or provider) and/or a Treatment Monitor (oftentimes an Outreach or Case Worker).

User ID:  A unique identifier of at least four characters long used by a patient to log in to the SureAdhere app on a mobile device to record and upload videos.

Video Directly Observed Therapy/Treatment (VDOT):  Sometimes referred to as VOT, VDOT is the recording of a patient taking his or her medication and uploading it to a HIPAA-compliant server, which is then viewed by a healthcare staff member who records the adherence status for the dose. VDOT is an asynchronous form of medication administration that does not require a patient or health care staff member to coordinate a single time to administer a dose, which differs from synchronous forms like Skype that occur in real-time and are not recorded. 

Virtual Visit: (Feature Request) Video call between staff user and patient. The call will be initiated from the Provider Application by a staff user. Patients will be sent a link which will open the video call.