Bulk Mobile Worker Management

Bulk Mobile Worker Management

This page describes a set of features that can be helpful in the bulk management of mobile workers. 

Bulk Download Mobile Workers

The filter "Filter and Download Mobile Workers" option allows for the downloading of mobile workers using a select set of filter options. The below steps can be taken to download mobile workers.

1. Click on the "Download Mobile Workers" button on the mobile workers page.


2. You will be redirected to a page with filter options.


3. You can choose to filter by role, search by username, filter by location, and/or filter by a user's active status.

a. If filtering by role, only Mobile Workers assigned to the selected role will be included in the download .

b. If filtering by location, all Mobile Workers assigned to the selected location or any of its descendant locations will be included in the download.

c. You have the option to download all details of a Mobile Workers by clicking on "All" next to "Columns" or just the usernames by choosing "Only Usernames".

4. Then click on the "Download" button once satisfied with your filter options.

Bulk Delete

The filter "Bulk Delete Mobile Workers" option allows for the bulk deletion of mobile workers using an excel spreadsheet containing the username column.
Deleting a mobile worker is an action that cannot be reversed so it is important to ensure that only mobile workers you wish to delete are included in the import spreadsheet. The feature only deletes mobile workers who have not yet submitted a form.

The below steps can be taken to bulk delete mobile workers.

1. Navigate to the "Users" tab to access the "Bulk Delete Mobile Workers" button on the mobile workers page as shown below.

2. Click on the "Bulk Delete Mobile Workers" button and you will be redirected to the "Bulk Delete Mobile Workers" page where you can upload the import spreadsheet.

3. Click on the "Upload" button to bulk delete the mobile workers.

4. A message indicating the number of users that have been deleted will be displayed at the top the page.

Bulk Lookup

The "Bulk Lookup" option will generate an Excel spreadsheet noting which of the uploaded Mobile Workers already exist and which are active. The below steps can be taken to bulk lookup mobile workers.

1. Navigate to the "Users" tab to access the "Bulk Lookup of Mobile Workers" button on the mobile workers page as shown below.

2. You can then choose the file with the mobile workers and click on Upload.

3. Once the file has been generated, the excel file will be downloaded automatically. 

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