COVID-19 Template App: Home Based Care

About the Home Based Care Application


Download the CommCare Application

The Home Based care application is available to be imported directly into your CommCare project space, along with all free COVID-19 template applications, in this library: 

Application Version History

  • September 28, 2020: First Version Released

Application Overview

Medic Mobile and Dimagi have teamed-up to design a community health application to support Home-Based care for COVID-19. This CommCare application is designed to provide relevant education, training, and asynchronous communication links to CHWs, patients and family/community members to facilitate home-based care. The application digitizes workflows described in the Core group’s Home Based Care Reference Guide for COVID-19

Specific app functionality includes:

  • Screening of individuals for symptoms of COVID-19

  • Verifying whether a patient’s residential setting is suitable for home care, informed by an assessment of the safety of their residential environment

  • Facilitating referrals to labs for testing, and to health facilities for more urgent care 

  • Facilitating regular CHW follow up and recording of patient’s symptom progression

  • Providing educational content to CHWs, patients, and family/community members on best practices for providing at-home care


Application Details

Application Workflow

The application was designed in an effort to digitize the workflows described in the Core group’s Home Based Reference Guide for COVID-19. The application was designed in collaboration with Medic Mobile and developed by Dimagi’s team of software engineers and implementation specialists built the app to support the following processes: 

  • Registration of confirmed or suspected COVID-19 cases

  • Symptom screening

  • Assessment for eligibility of Home Based Care 

  • Enter test details

  • Refer for further testing

  • Facilitate referral for treatment if needed

  • Present educational material to CHW, caregivers, and patients



These personas provide a common understanding of who the app is serving, particularly when working across diverse contexts. Being explicit about who the app is designed for, and understanding what is important to them helps to prioritize features, make better design decisions, and optimize impact.


This workflow includes the patient, their household care provider (could also be a community member), CHWs, and CHW supervisors. In addition, it is likely that program staff will engage with CHWs and CHW supervisors to ensure proper training and protective equipment is received. In this design, the primary users of the app are the CHW and CHW supervisors with patients and household care providers as recipients of care and educational content.


Description of Forms in CommCare

The table below breaks down the the role of each form in the CommCare application:


The table below describes each of the educational forms in the CommCare application: 


App Case Types and Relationships

Like many CommCare applications, this application uses case management to keep track of progress of various points of interest. To learn more about the case types and relationships, please review your application's case summary.

This application is designed to be used as a stand alone application or to easily integrate with existing community level applications. This application makes use of child cases and has information saved to the covid_19_case and referral cases. The referral case is a child case of the covid_19_case.