App Summary

App Summary


The App Summary gives you an overview of your whole application. It is useful for finding interconnections between your forms and cases by using the different search and view options on each page.

The app summary is split into two core sections: the Form Summary and the Case Summary.

Table of Contents:

Accessing the App Summary

You can access the app summary by clicking the app summary link on the releases page, in the form builder, or on each build. Clicking the build link will take you to that version's app summary, allowing you to see how your app has changed over time.

Accessing App Summary from the Releases Page

Accessing App Summary from the Form Builder

Accessing App Summary from Case Management Screen

High Level Summary

The high level summary shows a list of every menu, case list, and form that you have in your application. It includes filter, end of form navigation, and parent module information. It is a download only option.

Form Summary

The form summary shows a list of every form and question that you have in your application.

The following elements of each question can be toggled on or off:

  • Calculations (for hidden value questions)

  • Display Conditions

  • Validation Conditions

  • Comments

  • Default Values

  • Case property loads

  • Case property saves

You can filter the list of questions either by question ID, by label, or by case property using the search box.

Clicking a question in the form summary will take you to that question in the form builder.

Case Summary

The case summary shows a list of every case type and case property defined for the application version you are viewing, along with where each of these case properties are used - loaded into questions, saved from questions or displayed in case lists or case details.

Calculated properties used only in case lists and case details can be toggled using the "Show Calculations" button.

Icon Key

The following key defines the various icons that appear throughout the App Summary to aid in navigation and comprehension. In general, the blue icons represent items that are displayed to users in the app, while the grey icons reflect functionality happening behind the scenes. 


^ Download

download a file (typically in Excel format) to your computer.

^ Registration form

To add new cases to your case list.

^ Completion form

Has the capability to close cases.

^ Followup Form

to update cases in your  Case List.


^ Survey Form

Collects data once

^ Group or Case List Menu

A group container for questions or case list and forms.

^ Group or Survey Menu

A group container for questions or forms.

^ Shadow Module

It mimics another case list, which could be just forms or a case list and forms depending on what its parent case list has.


^ Repeat Group

A container for questions we may need to loop through until a certain condition is met.

^ Multiple Choice

A a question with multiple choices that requires only one to be selected.

^ Checkbox

A question with multiple choices that allows more than one to be selected.

^ Label

Displays text only in the form.


^ Hidden Value

Uused for calculations and referencing data points from other forms, modules, or applications within a project.

^ Text

Open text question that allows users to type responses in the form.

^ Phone Number or Numeric ID

Any identifiable telephone number or another specially formatted number.

^ Date

Collects a date inputted by the user.


^ Time

Collects a time input from the user based on device time zone settings.

^ Integer

A question that accepts a whole number only.

^ Decimal

A question that accepts an un-whole number (Ex: 0.25).

^ Save to Case

Create, update or close a case directly inside the form data rather than on the Case Management page. 


^ Media Capture

Captures an image, audio recording, video recording or signature.

^ Calculation

How a value is calculated.

^ Display Condition

The condition that must be met in order to display the item. 

^ Validation

The validation condition for the question that the answer must meet.


^ Comment

An internal comment about the item entered by the app builder.

^ Default Value

The default value that the item will have when the form first loads.

^ Cases

A case property being referenced or saved to.

^ From-To Arrow

A case property being loaded into a form question, or a form question value being saved to a case property. 




^ Form

A form question value being referenced or set.

^ Show Conditions

The conditions to open or close the case (in Case Summary).

Using the app summary for application QA

The app summary is useful while building an application.

Scenario: Renaming a case property in a registration form

Use the case summary to search for the old case property name to ensure no questions save or load to the old property, or that it isn't displayed in any case list or case detail.

Scenario: Making a change to duplicate logic

Often there are pieces of similar logic scattered across many forms that save or load from the same case property. When making a change to that duplicate logic, use the form summary to search for the affected case property to help you find all the references the duplicated logic block.

Scenario: Using previous versions to reinstate logic

You can view previous versions of the app summary by clicking on the corresponding button on the releases page. This can be used to look at questions or modules that have been deleted that you want to re-apply in your current app.

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