Messaging Beginner Tutorial - Configure a Follow Up Form

Messaging Beginner Tutorial - Configure a Follow Up Form

We'll now add another form to the application to allow health workers to follow up with pregnant women.

  1. Add another form to the Pregnancy module using the + Form link 

  2. Name the new form Follow-Up

  3. Add questions and a hidden value to the form that will evaluate the mother for any risk symptoms.

    The following calculations and display logic is used in the form:

  4. Save the form and configure the case management for the form.  This form will be setup to update or close cases.  We'll only save send_clinic_visit_reminder to the case.  When we setup the reminder, we'll use this case property to determine if a pregnant mother should receive a reminder to visit the clinic.  

Our application is now setup with the information it needs to trigger sending reminders to cases.  We now need to add phone number information to any mobile workers so that we can also send them messages.