Syncing Downloads to Dropbox

 Dropbox is a service that helps download large files to your computer. It works well even over slow or unstable Internet connection. Before using this feature, create an account on Dropbox here:

Whenever you see the "Sync to Dropbox" button next to the download button, that means you can sync your file to your Dropbox account instead of downloading it directly to your computer.

This can be useful when the files are very large, like Multimedia downloads.

The first time you click Sync to Dropbox you will be asked to allow CommCareHQ to use a folder in your Dropbox account. 

Choose the Dropbox account you want to sync to and hit accept. 

Go back to the download screen and hit Sync to Dropbox again. This time you should get a message stating that your file is being synced to Dropbox.

You will receive an email when the sync with Dropbox is complete.