Report and Export Filters

Report and Export Filters

Reports and exports can be filtered by many different parameters. Here, we will detail each option available in the User(s) field for form data and the Case Owner(s) field for case data.

User(s) and Case Owner(s)

The filters on both form reports/exports and case reports/exports are nearly the same. However, there is an important distinction between them; when accessing form data, these filters allow you to search by a user or by groups of users that submitted forms. When these filters are applied to case reports and exports, you will be shown a subset of case owners.

More information about reporting in CommCare can be found at https://dimagi.atlassian.net/wiki/x/9zLKfw.

When filtering reports and exports, these are the options available to you. Results will be shown only for the filters selected, although multiple filters can be added to expand your query. Worth noting is that some reports, like the Worker Activity Report, have limited filtering options.

[Active Mobile Workers]

Results are for only Active Mobile Workers. Active mobile workers are any worker in your project space that have not been deactivated.

[Deactivated Mobile Workers]

Mobile workers that have been deactivated by selecting the ‘Deactivate’ button on the Mobile Workers page.

[All Data]

Displays all case information and does not filter by owner. This filter is only available in Case reports and exports.

[Project Data]

Excludes specific Case owners from the results. The excluded Case owners are Web Users, [admin],  [demo_user], [Unknown Users], and [CommCare Supply]. If you wish to include that info, these filters can be added to the query. This filter is only available in Case reports and exports. This filter includes cases owned by both Active and Deactivated Mobile Users.

Web User

In the context of Case data, this will display all cases owned by the Web User selected. For Form data, this filter will display all forms submitted by that Web User. This filter may be useful if your project uses Web Apps or App Preview in data collection.


Returns data that was created when a mobile device was set to Demo Mode.


Information associated with the ‘admin’ user. This is only relevant to J2ME submissions using this workflow

[Unknown Users]

Users with unknown user ids. This includes form or case data created by cases themselves (via messaging).

“Group Name” [group]

Data associated with a Mobile Worker Group. More information about Groups can be at https://dimagi.atlassian.net/wiki/x/1SrKfw.

“Location Name” [location]

Information associated with a Location (also referred to as Organizations). If filtering to a high-level location, you will also see information associated with its descendants


If all filters, including default filters, are removed from the search field, all data will be shown.

“Username” [active mobile user]
“Username” [deactivated mobile user]

Returns information for that specific user. Both active and deactivated users can be selected

[CommCare Supply]

Only applicable to case data on projects with CommCare Supply enabled. This filter shows all case data associated with a Supply Point

User(s) filter 


Case Owner(s) filter

Date Range

For many reports, you can specify a date range. Clicking in the date range box will provide some predefined options, as well as the choice to specify a custom date range. If you use the calendar to create your own date range, make sure to click on apply in the date picker before you you apply the overall filter.

The date range works according to your project's timezone, which is configured in the Project Settings.

Completion Time or Submission Time

Some reports can be sorted by either completion or submission times. Completion time is the time the form was completed, according to the phone or tablet. Submission time is the time that the form was marked as received by the server. For more information see Form Completion versus Form Submission and Timezonesarchived.

Case Type

For projects with more than one case type you may want to restrict your report to just one case type. For example, if your project is tracking both pregnancies and referrals you may care about different followup windows. Therefore it would be better to run the report twice, once for each case type.

Filter Forms

If you wish to view a report for only one form, or a set of forms, you can use the Filter Forms option. This will allow you to select an application, a module, or a specific form. It is not possible to restrict the view to individual forms in separate modules.