Enterprise Console
Our Enterprise Console provides our Enterprise partners access to the following capabilities. Only Enterprise Admins get access to the Enterprise Console and all Enterprise features.
- 1 Enterprise Admins
- 2 Access your Enterprise Console
- 3 Enterprise Dashboard
- 3.1 Access Reports
- 3.2 Available Reports in the Platform Overview
- 3.2.1 Project Spaces
- 3.2.2 Web Users
- 3.2.3 Mobile Workers
- 3.2.4 Mobile Form Submissions
- 3.2.5 Odata Feeds
- 3.2.6 SMS Usage
- 3.2.7 CommCare Version Compliance
- 3.3 Available Reports in the Security Center
- 3.3.1 Two Factor Authentication
- 3.3.2 API Usage
- 4 Enterprise Settings
- 5 Billing Statements
- 6 Manage Single Sign-On
- 7 SMS Detailed Report
Enterprise Admins
What access do Enterprise Admins have?
Enterprise Admins have access to the Enterprise Console from a CommCare Project Space where they have been added an Admin.
Enterprise Admins do not automatically have access to all Project Spaces associated with your Enterprise account. Instead, you have to be manually invited to individual CommCare HQ Project Spaces to have access to those Project Spaces.
Enterprise Admins can view aggregated data about all project spaces in their Enteprise Account. They cannot see granular case data unless they are manually invited / added with the appropriate role on project spaces.
How do I make someone an Enterprise Admin?
We currently do not have a self-service way for you to configure Enterprise Admins for your Enterprise account. Please inform your Dimagi Account Manager if you want to add a new Enterprise Admin or revoke access, and we will make the required changes promptly.
Access your Enterprise Console
Click the settings icon.
Under Manage Enterprise, click on Enterprise Console.
You will be directed to your Enterprise Dashboard.
Enterprise Dashboard
Navigate to your Enterprise Dashboard via your Enterprise Console.
The Enterprise Dashboard gives Enterprise Projects access to reports that pull data from all Project Spaces with a subscription attached to the account.
Access Reports
1. Click Email Report to access your report.
2. You will receive an email with a link to a CSV file that you can download.
Note: The download links expire after 24 hours.
Available Reports in the Platform Overview
Project Spaces
Column | Column Header | Description |
A | Date created | The date that the Project Space was created. |
B | # of applications | The number of Applications in the Project Space. |
C | # of mobile workers | The number of Mobile Workers in the Project Space. |
D | # of web users | The number of Web Users in the Project Space. |
E | # of SMS (last 30 days) | The number of SMSes sent and received in the past 30 days in the Project Space. |
F | Last Form Submission [UTC] | The date of last form submission in any application in the Project Space. |
G | Project Space Name | The name of the Project Space. |
H | Project Name | The name of the Project. |
I | Project URL | The URL to that specific Project Space in your Enterprise Account. |
Web Users
Column | Column Header | Description |
A | Email Address | The email address of the Web User. |
B | Name | The name of the Web User. |
C | Role | The role of the Web User. |
D | Last Login [UTC] | The date when the Web User last logged in. |
E | Last Access Date [UTC] | The date when the Web User last accessed the Project Space. |
F | Status | The status of the Web User (e.g., Active, Invited, etc.) |
G | Project Space Name | The name of the Project Space. |
H | Project Name | The name of the Project. |
I | Project URL | The URL to that specific Project Space in your Enterprise Account. |
Mobile Workers
Column | Column Header | Description |
A | Username | The username of the Mobile Workers. |
B | Name | The name of the Mobile Workers. |
C | Email Address | The email address of the Mobile Workers. |
D | Role | The role of the Mobile Workers. |
E | Created Date [UTC] | The date the Mobile Workers was created. |
F | Last Sync [UTC] | The date when the Mobile Workers last synced with CommCare HQ. |
G | Last Submission [UTC] | The date when the Mobile Workers last submitted a form. |
H | CommCare Version | The version of the application that the Mobile Workers is using. |
I | User ID | The Unique ID of the Mobile Workers. |
J | Project Space Name | The name of the Project Space. |
K | Project Name | The name of the Project. |
L | Project URL | The URL to that specific Project Space in your Enterprise Account. |
Mobile Form Submissions
Column | Column Header | Description |
A | Form Name | The name of the form that was submitted. |
B | Submitted [UTC] | The date of form submission. |
C | App Name | The application from which the form was submitted. |
D | Mobile Workers | The name of the Mobile Workers that submitted the form. |
E | Project Space Name | The name of the Project Space. |
F | Project Name | The name of the Project. |
G | Project URL | The URL to that specific Project Space in your Enterprise Account. |
The date range is configurable. Clicking on the “Last 30 Days” text will display the following dialog:
“Last 30 Days” covers the previous 30 days from the current time, in UTC time. For example, if today is 15:00 on July 31st, the report will cover July 1st 15:00 through July 31st 15:00.
“Previous Month” covers the previous month before the current date, specified in UTC time. If today is 15:00 on July 5th, the report will cover the full month of June: June 1st, 00:00 up until July 1st, 00:00.
“Custom” allows a custom date range to be configured. Note that the date range cannot exceed 100 days. Clicking the text field will pop up a widget to specify the date. This range uses the user’s local time. The below selection will include results from August 14th through August 31st, scoped to the user’s time zone.
Odata Feeds
1. The number shown in the report option is the number of Odata Feeds used across all Project Spaces.
2. You can transform the CSV file into an Excel file to analyze your data. See an example below.
In the example above, there are 7 columns
Column | Column Header | Description |
A | Odata Feeds used | The number of Odata Feeds used in a specific Project. |
B | Odata Feeds available | The number of Odata Feeds available for the specific Project. You need to subtract the number of Feeds used from the number available to determine the number of Feeds remaining for that specific Project. |
C | Report Names | The name of the individual Odata Feeds Report for the specific Project. |
D | Number of rows | The total number of rows in all Odata Feeds for the specific report (see examples D8 and D24). |
E | Project Space Name | The Project Space Name. |
F | Project Name | The name of the Project. |
G | Project URL | The URL to that specific Project Space in your Enterprise Account. |
SMS Usage
Column | Column Header | Description |
A | Project Space | The Project Space Name |
B | # Sent | Total number of messages that were sent successfully |
C | # Received | Total number of messages that were received successfully |
D | # Errors | Total number of messages that resulted in errors |
The “Last 30 Days” field represents a button that can be used to configure the date range for the report. This follows the same constraints as the Mobile Form Submissions Report
CommCare Version Compliance
CommCare Version Compliance is to check if the mobile workers in this enterprise account are using the latest version of CommCare downloaded from Android store. The CommCare version used by the mobile worker is determined by the CommCare Version they use when they submitted the latest form. This data can be out dated in case the user downloaded the latest version but haven’t submitted a form yet.
The report will contain following information:
Column | Column Header | Description |
A | Mobile Worker | The mobile worker’s username |
B | Project Space | The project space’s name |
C | Latest Version Available at Submission | The latest CommCare version available at the latest submission time |
D | Version in Use | The CommCare Version in use at the latest submission time |
Available Reports in the Security Center
Two Factor Authentication
Two Factor Authentication report will list all domains that doesn’t enforce two factor authentication.
The report will contain following information:
Column | Column Header | Description |
A | Project Space without 2FA | This column list all project spaces who don’t enforce two factor authentication |
API Usage
API Usage will list all API keys that having access to any project space in your billing account
The report will contain following information:
Column | Column Header | Description |
A | Web User | The web user’s username |
B | API Key Name | The name of the api key |
C | Scope | The project spaces that this api key has access to |
D | Expiration Date [UTC] | The expiration date of api key |
E | Created On [UTC] | The creation date of api key |
F | Last Used On [UTC] | When is this api key last used |
All reports are generated in the background, with a link emailed to the user for download.
Enterprise Settings
Several settings are only relevant to Enterprise Accounts:
Restrict Project creation: This removes the ability of users to create new Project Spaces.
Restrict user signups: This disallows users from creating new accounts. This restriction applies to users whose email addresses match the Enterprise Domains for Restricting Signups value set in the billing account's settings.
Edit Default Form/Case/Data Export Settings: This allows users to standardize the default export settings for forms, cases and OData feed configurations to meet the data standardization needs.
Billing Statements
The Enterprise area also provides a view of current billing statements:
Manage Single Sign-On
This is where Enterprise partners configure Single Sign On (SSO). Learn more about SSO for CommCare HQ at https://dimagi.atlassian.net/wiki/x/NgLKfw.
SMS Detailed Report
This section allows download detail per unit cost SMS report for all Enterprise Project Spaces to reconcile the report with the invoice.
Reports can be filtered by date, Project Space (leave blank if all), gateway type, and gateway fee.
The report can be exported to excel and sent through email and contains:
Date of Message
Project Space name
Direction (Incoming/Outgoing)
SMS parts
Gateway information
Gateway charge if any
Usage charge
Total charge
Message Log ID
Is valid status
Date created