RDToolkit: Benefits & Use Casess

RDToolkit: Benefits & Use Casess


Designed for Frontline Workers

The Rapid Diagnostic Toolkit is designed to support FLWs with better administering and reading diagnostic tests.

Test Administration

  • Visual job aids and instructions on how to administer tests in local languages

  • Built-in timers that inform users when a test is processing, when it is valid to read, and when it is too late to read.

  • Managing multiple simultaneous timers to assist frontline workers running tests on multiple patients at once.

Disease Diagnosis & Classification

  • Using built in eReaders, it can classify RDT results, optionally displaying them to health workers

  • Digitize the test result by supporting the health working capture a useful image

  • Enables high-level supervision of RDT administration by sending images and metadata to CloudWorks

Modular and Adaptable Design

The RDToolkit can be optimized for different settings using already available clinical guidelines (user instructions), as well as for specific settings using new algorithms developed by healthcare programs.

  • Disease-agnostic and includes a database of different RDTs with easy addition of new RDTs

  • It supports the integration of other use cases, such as diagnosing additional diseases by including additional diagnostic components to the toolkit.

  • It is designed to be used as a standalone tool or incorporated into existing eHealth applications to support workflows for applying RDTs.

  • Even when there is no network connectivity, healthcare workers can use the RDToolkit app and the data will be sent to backend server when connected.

User Overview (Mobile and Web Users)

CHWs (Community Health Workers):

These users are typically located in the same area as the clients and will visit clients in their homes. CHWs may either: .

  • Screen for a test and then administer the test(s); or  

  • Screen multiple patients for a test(s) and then administer multiple tests     

Clinical Users

At a health clinic users may include the following users. In some cases the nurses and doctors do the screening and administer the tests. In other cases the nurses and doctors screen for malaria and the lab technicians administer the test.

  • Nurses

  • Doctors

  • Lab Technicians

Use Cases

Use Case 

The Dimagi team has built out a template application that can be copied by CommCare users and modified or adapted to fit their own workflows. This Template application contains a number of various workflows catering to RDT usage in real world scenarios.

Use Case Description

  1. Single patient, wait for timer

The user screens the patient and administers an RDT. The user waits for the timer  and then scans the RDT and records the result. 

  1. Single patient, multiple RDTs

The user screens the patient. If warranted the user administers one or multiple RDTs. The user waits for the timer(s)  and then scans the RDT(s) and records the result(s). 

  1. Single patient, Conducts Additional Screening While Waiting for the Timer

The user screens the patient and administers an RDT and then continues to use the CommCare application to screen the patient for other issues. When the timer goes off, the user clicks a button to scan the RDT and record a result. 

  1. Single or multiple patients, Exit & Resume After Timer

The user screens the patient and administers an RDT and then leaves the patient’s form. The user opens the patient case up again, after the timer notifies the user that the test is ready for review. The user scans the RDT and records the result.

  1. Single or multiple patients, Exit & Resume After Screening, multiple users, Multiple RDTs 

One user screens the patient. Another user administers the RDT and records the results. One client could have multiple RDTs administered 


Example Screenshots



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