Back to the Data Export Overview

Export Form Submissions to Excel

This export functionality provides the ability to download data from the forms submitted to CommCareHQ. You should use this feature when you are interested in measuring an outcome across beneficiaries across time. Applications that track a beneficiary over time will usually collect data in different forms at different points in time. This Form export will capture all of the changes in the data at these different time points. 

Location: CommcareHQ -> Data -> Export Data -> Export Forms

This page is divided into four main parts:

A. Creating New Form Exports

B. Downloading Form Exports

C. Bulk Forms Export

D. Daily Saved Exports

A. Creating New Form Exports

A form export allows the user to set up a download of a form's data. Form exports can later be viewed and downloaded by other members of the project space.

In order to create an export, you can follow the steps below:


Export Settings

Additionally there are four options that can be selected by checking the box:

Form Settings


Privacy Settings

This allows the user to select form data to be de-identified. This means that when the data is exported to an excel sheet, the columns will still be in the data export but the data values will not contain personal information that can be tracked to a single beneficiary.      

B. Downloading Form Exports

The Export Forms page shows the exports you or others have created:


            Name: The name you titled the custom report

            Edit: Edit your export to change the data included in that export

            Export: Download the export

            Bulk Export: Download your exports in bulk. Each export will be downloaded as an individual sheet in a single Excel workbook

In order to download an export, click "Export"

C. Bulk Forms Export

Purpose: Allows a data manager to track the data across forms in one single excel document. It further increases the scope of data analysis and allows more in-depth study.

The bulk forms export gives you the option to download all form exports in bulk - i.e all forms data can be downloaded into one excel workbook with each tab in the excel file representing each form in the application.

These are the steps to create a bulk forms export




D. Daily Saved Exports


E. Multimedia Exports

Downloading Captured Media Files

You can download all of the media files attached with a form from the Export Forms page on CommCareHQ:

Any form with associated files will have a Download button accessible.