commcare users
We currently do not provide a way for you to delete a project. If you need a project deleted and all data removed from CommCareHQ, please submit a request to us through the "Report an Issue" button on CommCareHQ.
If you do not need to delete the data but simply want to remove the project from your dashboard, any project admin can remove you as a web user from that project. If there is no other admin besides you, contact us through "Report an Issue" and a Dimagi staff member can remove you.
Reported Issue
We are happy to help you delete your account. Please let me know a few more details about what you mean.
1) Do you need to delete all data submitted to the account?
2) Do you want to remove yourself as a user from CommCareHQ?
3) Do you want to remove this project from your dashboard on CommCareHQ?