This is now supported in the Application Builder using the 'Custom Single and Multiple Answer Questions' Feature Preview. For more information about how to turn on this feature please see Feature Previews.
So what you're looking to do is create a multiselect that lists cases to be selected? Unfortunately this is not supported in CommCareHQ's Application Builder. It can be done through a custom method described below, but is not recommended.
The process described below is not actively supported by CommCare
This feature requires a software plan
Also see: Updating case properties based on the outcome of a multiple choice question
This is useful if, for example, you have a form where you want to check off which of your cases are attending.
Modifying the XForm
<instance id="casedb" src="jr://instance/casedb"/>
<label ref="jr:itext('yourquestion-label')" />
<label ref="jr:itext('yourquestion-label')" />
If you would like to restrict the cases shown to be only child cases of the case which you are updating you can insert the following syntax as above:
[index/parent = instance('commcaresession')/session/data/case_id]
For Dimagi people reference:
You can look at this app for reference:
In Child Classification form, the 'Authentication' group of questions at top. To see how access case properties of the selected case, look at hidden variable 'selected_user_pin'