Project | Organization | Summary | Category | Published On | Languages | License |
Covid-RDT-Senegal | FIND-PATH | Dimagi is proud to have partnered with PATH and FIND to develop the Digital Solutions to Support COVID-19 Antigen RDT Rollout (dSTARR). This project is aimed to increase access to rapid diagnostic test (RDT) kits and facilitate effective COVID-19 data management across select countries in Africa. By leveraging digital tools, we can empower healthcare workers and improve patient care in resource-limited settings. | Covid | 30-Jun-23 | English, French | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
Covid-RDT CC Exchange | FIND-PATH | Dimagi is proud to have partnered with PATH and FIND to develop the Digital Solutions to Support COVID-19 Antigen RDT Rollout (dSTARR). This project is aimed to increase access to rapid diagnostic test (RDT) kits and facilitate effective COVID-19 data management across select countries in Africa. By leveraging digital tools, we can empower healthcare workers and improve patient care in resource-limited settings. | Covid | 23-Jun-23 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
CommCare ASPREASHETING mobile application in Burundi registers patients, track doctors, identifies Lawyers and professionals for Healthcare, HIV/AIDS Prevention, Orphans Adoption, Children education & Families Health Information & Communication | CommCare Apreasheting application | CommCare ASPREASHETING mobile application in Burundi let families subscribe as patients, reply to questions, consult doctors and get treatment. They can use SMS or Voice Call option to consult doctor. | HIV/AIDs, Malaria, pregnancy, women, children, tuberculosis, Diabetes, Mental diseases, physical handicaps problems ,adolescents and girls or women , sexual & gender based violence problems | 17-Apr-13 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
Check | Prachi Patel | Check | 22-Jul-17 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) | |
DenCaM | FIND | The "DenCaM" application, a joint idea of FIND and Terre des hommes, aims to provide partners in the West and Central Africa region and global health actors, including groups working on Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI), Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR), Fever, Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs), with an adapted template for the management of Dengue. | Health | 13-Dec-2022 | French | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
South Sudan Market Price Collection | FARM Admin account | Rural Agriculture Markets | 1-Jul-15 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) | |
Inspiring Stories of Women | Gayatri Jayal | This is an awareness application developed as a part of Dimagi's GBV project that was funded by USAID. | Women's empowerment | 27-Jan-17 | English, Hindi | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
CommCare HIE Connect | Simon Kelly | This application is a demo app for using CommCare HQ to register pregnant mothers on the National Mother Registry in South Africa. | Pregnant Mother | 7-Mar-14 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
ICAPPR pill reminder copy | Russell Gillen | Copy of the project for the ICAPPR project | Pill Reminder | 24-May-15 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
SMASH Project Test | Belony Bien-Aime | This is un apprentissage | Farmer | 17-Mar-16 | French | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
Acute Malnutrition Screening Application | Jiyaad Dolly | Nutrition, Malnutrition, Children | 4-Nov-13 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) | |
NataliaTest | Natalia Vasquez | Natalia test 6 of tutorial | Pregnancy | 20-Nov-14 | English | |
Soukhya App | Soukhya Project | Soukhya project is a joint effort of St John's Research Institute and BBMP. It is funded by ICMR and headed by Dr Suneeta Krishnan. This app has been developed with the support of the Dimagi team. | Domestic Violence | 8-Oct-13 | English, Kannada | Creative Commons Attribution, Non-Commercial, and No Derivatives (CC BY-NC-ND) |
GH881 Mobile Mama Presentation | Aydan Mehralizade | MCH | 16-Mar-16 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) | |
SMASH Project Test | Belony Bien-Aime | This is un apprentissage | Farmer | 4-Apr-16 | French | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
ReMiND Project Monitoring Tools | Catholic Relief Services | This CommCare application contains monitoring tools for ReMiND field staff who are supporting ASHAs also using CommCare. | monitoring | 9-Dec-12 | English, Hindi | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
PDL Sustainable Food Security through Agroecology & Cooperative Associations | Adam Heisey | The project works with 3 farmer-owned cooperatives associations in .rural Haiti | Food Security | 16-Jan-18 | French, English, Creoles and pidgins, French-based | Creative Commons Attribution, Non-Commercial (CC BY-NC) |
Pikumbang | Felly | Deteksi Dini Tumbuh Kembang Anak | Child Health, Development, Growth, monitoring | 25-Feb-18 | Indonesian | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
Outgrower Farmer Monitoring | Dimagi | A proof of concept mobile app for registering Farmers and recording their yields over time. | Agriculture | 30-Nov-12 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
Abdoultest | Abdoul Aziz Sene | beginner tutorial | test | 9-Apr-15 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
Test Project | Khizar Hayat | Poultry | 19-May-17 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) | |
ASPREASHETING:Easily to manage business, patients & Doctors to make voice Call or text message each other, | Aspreasheting | ASPREASHETING system easy to use mobile web and application to connect patients with doctors by downloadable SMS & voice call button in any type of mobile phones. | HIV/AIDs prevention, Patientcare, behaviour change | 9-Apr-13 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
CommTrack | Dimagi | Basic stock ordering and requisition workflows for integrating CommCare and CommTrack | logistics | 11-May-13 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
Farmbook POC Build 1 | Vipin Gupta | Farmbook | 1-Apr-16 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) | |
Surgery Tracker | Gwin | Track surgeries as they happen | Trachoma | 19-Mar-18 | English | Creative Commons Attribution, Non-Commercial, and Share Alike (CC BY-NC-SA) |
Ques | ved | ssss | wwwww | 5-Feb-16 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
Cervical Cancer Screening Demo | Dimagi | A demo app to show what could be done in a cervical cancer screening workflow (including image capture). | Demo | 29-Nov-12 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
“ Texting for maternal wellbeing” project | URC University Research Co., LLC – CHS Center for Human Services Partenariat pour la prise en charge communautaire de la santé infantile (Prise-C) | The project “Texting for Maternal Wellbeing” is aimed at using mobile phone technology to improve community based health services currently supported through the USAID- funded PRISE-C | Family Planning | 26-Jul-13 | French | Creative Commons Attribution, Non-Commercial, and No Derivatives (CC BY-NC-ND) |
Brac_Data_Entry_1 | BRAC | Brac_Data_Entry | Symphony W50 | 18-May-14 | English, Bengali | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
Employee tracking application | Kinuthia Peter | employee tracking application. It basically registers employees in the field and links them to their supervisors and finally syncs with the HR app on the Server. | MCH | 30-Jun-14 | English | Creative Commons Attribution, Non-Commercial, and Share Alike (CC BY-NC-SA) |
DELRSURV v.0.0.1 | Samueldelr | Pour l'Integration d'une surveillance epiidemiologique exhzutive en haiti | DELR | 1-Dec-15 | English | Creative Commons Attribution, Non-Commercial, and Share Alike (CC BY-NC-SA) |
Ebola Education, Training, and Stigma Reduction | Dimagi | A starter application for providing counseling information to communities through frontline workers. | Ebola | 7-Oct-15 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
Nigeria Test | Mark | Testing with 2 questions only | Test | 29-Apr-14 | English | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 |
GIS_EX | Phokham Latthachack | GIS | 17-Jan-14 | English, Lao | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) | |
Lata Medical Research Foundation: Mobile-SAKHI | Lata Medical Research Foundation | This project has been developed for ASHA workers focusing on ante and post natal complications, hospitalization of the mother and child along with a continual assessment of breastfeeding indicators. | MCH | 15-Nov-13 | English, Marathi | Creative Commons Attribution, Non-Commercial, and Share Alike (CC BY-NC-SA) |
OVC Case Management | Thembalethu Home Based Care | Our orphan care program helps orphans and vulnerable children so that one day they can become productive members of society; this tool helps us register and follow up children over time. | OVC | 3-Dec-12 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
Trial v1 | Dani Kloepper | Registration | 20-Aug-15 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) | |
APDLA Integrated Agroforestry and Community Mobilization for Sustainable Food Security | Adam Heisey | The project works with an estimated 4,000 direct participants across 6 communities in La Chapelle and Verrettes Communes of the Artibonite Department, Haiti to improve agricultural production, nutrit | Food Security, agriculture, agroforestry | 22-May-18 | French, English | Creative Commons Attribution, Non-Commercial (CC BY-NC) |
GOAL Toolkit for Analysis of Resilience of Communities to Disasters (ARC-D) 2017 | GOAL | Toolkit to analyse and measure disaster resilience at the community level. | Risk Management, DRR, Resilience | 22-May-17 | French, English, Spanish | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
SNEHA Maternal & Newborn Health Program | Kyoko Miura | This application is designed for monitoring of antenatal care and obstetric referrals conducted by partner healthcare facilities. | Maternal and Newborn Health, Health Systems, Obstetrics | 7-Aug-13 | English, Hindi | Creative Commons Attribution, Non-Commercial (CC BY-NC) |
Livelihoods | SANI ISSA Mamane Nourou | PDM | 11-Jun-15 | French, English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) | |
Projet Planification familiale du postpartum-Jhpiego Burkina | Yacouba Ouedraogo | FP-RH | 11-Mar-19 | English | Creative Commons Attribution, Non-Commercial, and No Derivatives (CC BY-NC-ND) | |
GOAL Toolkit for Analysis of Resilience of Communities to Disasters (ARC-D) | Alexis Maldonado | Toolkit to analyse and measure disaster resilience at the community level. This version applies to: Honduras, Haiti, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Kenya, Uganda, Sierra Leone and the Philippines. | Risk Management, DRR, Resilience | 6-Oct-16 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
Millennium Villages: Maternal and Child Health in Senegal (FRENCH) | Millennium Villages Project | An application to support CHWs in Potou, Senegal. CHWs visit every registered pregnant woman and child each month to deliver preventative and curative health services. | MCH | 3-Dec-12 | French, English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
GOAL Syria Hygiene Promotion Assessment | Max Izenberg | Survey used by the GOAL Syria hygiene promotion unit as a baseline to understand hygiene practices prior to the hygiene promotion activities. | WASH | 21-Aug-14 | Arabic, English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
The Beginner Tutorial | Ben Lightburn | The beginner tutorial as described in the CommCare Wiki. | Tutorial | 28-Nov-12 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
MesureResilience | ide habibou | mc | 19-Nov-17 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) | |
Aquaya's Contrôle de la qualité de l'eau | Aquaya Institute | An application for agents of the Senegalese Service National de l'Hygiene (SNH) to submit water quality sampling and testing results in real time from across the country. | WASH | 14-May-15 | French, English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
IMARISHA PWANI PROJECT | Valentine | Its a digitized daily service delivery report-Outreach Workers. | HIV | 6-Nov-13 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
Operation Smile | Operation Smile | Nutrition follow up for cleft lip and palate patients in Assam | Nutrition | 8-Nov-13 | English, Assamese | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
Growth Monitoring & Promotion Application | Food for the Hungry | The Growth Monitoring & Promotion (GMP) application seeks to decrease child malnourishment through community- based Growth Monitoring & Promotion (GMP). | Child Nutrition | 30-Jan-13 | English, Portuguese | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
Linking and Retention to HIV/STI Testing, Treatment, and Care Using CommCare with Sex Worker CHWs | Dr. Smarajit Jana | Peer Educators, who are mainly illiterate, make home/workplace visits to sex workers in brothels on a daily basis to collect data which will be done through mobile. | Sexual health | 4-Mar-14 | English, Bengali | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
PROMISE_test | Trena Mukherjee | promise | 8-Jan-18 | English, Sotho, Southern | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) | |
Tracking malnutrition in pregnant women and children using CommCare | Maya Mascarenhas | mobile phone based application for use by anganwadi workers to track and refer high risk pregnancies, and pregnant women and children with malnutrition using a 5 step tool built into the software. | Nutrition | 8-Mar-14 | English, Hindi | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
VIREMO (Vigilância de Redes Mosquiteiras em Moçambique) | Peace Corps Mozambique | A phone application for surveying household bed net need, as well as conducting and tracking bed net distributions. | Malaria | 29-Jun-18 | Portuguese | Creative Commons Attribution, Non-Commercial, and Share Alike (CC BY-NC-SA) |
Saukhaym pilot | Amrita Saukhyam | This is pilot app for Amrita Saukhyam | Amrita | 9-Apr-18 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
Programme PAGE FINAL | Tamsir SENE | Post-test du programme PAGE | EDUCATION | 5-Dec-17 | French, English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
KGVK- Maternal Health | Rana Vikash | KGVK use CommCare to guide home visits to women and provide in-depth MNCH counseling. | MCH | 7-Jan-14 | English, Hindi | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
Patient Vision Care Version 0.2 | Anil | Vision Care | 21-Dec-15 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) | |
CommCare Supply Vaccine Demo App | Sarah Hodsdon | This is a CommCare Supply demo application for vaccine delivery use cases. | Supply, Child Health, Vaccines | 30-Jul-15 | English, Hindi | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
IBBSSurveyApp | Shajan | HIV | 8-Sep-13 | English, Kannada, Hindi, Malayalam | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) | |
Gestion | Penda Diakhate | MCH | 25-Nov-14 | French, English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) | |
Whirlwind Wheelchair Wheelchair Provision and Assembly Center App- MAARDEC Nigeria | Whirlwind Wheelchair International - Laura Harrington | Mobile app that allows field workers to gather user data according to WHO wheelchair provision guidelines | Wheelchair Provision | 28-Aug-14 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
Disaster Relief Information Sharing | Amarylis, Indonesia | This is one of the activities to prepare an information sharing system for a disaster relief activities. | Disaster | 13-Oct-14 | Indonesian, English | Creative Commons Attribution, Non-Commercial (CC BY-NC) |
Reach India Reproductive Health App | Reach India Trust | Reach India through a cadre of 10 women health soldiers have been instrumental in cascading health education and provide access to health services to 3000 tribal families in Jamtara district Jharkhand | Reproductive and sexual health | 5-Mar-14 | English, Hindi, Santali | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
Mi app | Alejandro Vélez | HIV | 10-Feb-16 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) | |
REACH Ethiopia | Dawit Birhan | MCH and TB | 6-May-15 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) | |
Millennium Villages: Maternal and Child Health | Millennium Villages Project | An application to support CHWs in Sauri, Kenya. CHWs visit every registered pregnant woman and child each month to deliver preventative and curative health services. | MCH | 3-Dec-12 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
Millennium Villages: Maternal and Child Health (Ghana) | Anne Liu | An application to support CHWs in Bonsaaso, Ghana. CHWs visit every registered pregnant woman and child each month to deliver preventative and curative health services. | MCH | 2-Dec-13 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
PHCC collaborated Supportive Supervision | Godsway Sackey | Collaborated effort of the Public Health and Clinical Care Unit to offer Technical Support to health staff at the lower Level. | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) | |||
Eastern Regional Health Directorate, Koforidua" | PHCC | godswaysackey@gmail.com | 10-Mar-16 | cc | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) | |
Spandan Samaj Seva Samiti | Spandan Samaj Seva Samiti | Spandan primarily tracks malnourished children using MUAC, weight-for-height and weight-for-age to make Nutrition Rehabilitation Centre referrals. | Nutrition | 22-Nov-13 | English, Hindi | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
Sierra Leone Ebola Contact Tracing | Innovations for Poverty Action and London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine | This project represents an effort to replicate and improve the Contact Tracing system in Port Loko District, Sierra Leone, during the Ebola outbreak. | Ebola | 18-Sep-15 | French, English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
Burkina Against Malaria (BAM) | Kaelynne Nill | BAM will assist CHWs to increase community knowledge and health capacity in order to prevent death and illness from malaria, especially among pregnant women and children. | Community Health | 2-Feb-16 | French, English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
Outgrower Farmer Monitoring | Dimagi | A proof of concept mobile app for registering Farmers and recording their yields over time. | Agriculture | 12-Jul-15 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
MMSC - SYSTEM CONSULT | Dimagi | MCH | 22-Dec-17 | Portuguese, French, English, Swahili, Hindi | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) | |
Timbuktu Testing | Chloe Self | Public Health | 19-Nov-19 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) | |
Pregnancy Messaging | TATRC | A template pregnancy messaging application with reminders. | Research Use | 11-Oct-13 | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) | |
Sales Satisdfaction Survey Form Application | Krish | Sales Satisfaction Survey | Test Application | 4-Apr-17 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
ChildP | Mustafa Hasaka | Child Protection | CP | 4-Dec-14 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
RHD eRegister - WHF compatible | Joris van Dam | An electronic patient registry for Rheumatic Heart Disease, supporting data collection through mobile devices. | RHD | 17-Jul-14 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
PCTG Health Project Framework | Peace Corps The Gambia | Data collection tools for Peace Corps Volunteers in The Gambia who are conducting projects under the health framework | Health | 18-Oct-17 | English | Creative Commons Attribution, Non-Commercial, and Share Alike (CC BY-NC-SA) |
WASH Demo | Clayton Sims | Demo application for WASH Site Management | WASH | 29-Nov-12 | English, Spanish | Creative Commons Attribution, Non-Commercial, and Share Alike (CC BY-NC-SA) |
Customer Success Demos | Erin Quinn | Various demo apps to help customers when building | Online learning | 19-Nov-18 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
Hungry Hungry Coders Tutorial/Demo | Dimagi | Demo app demonstrating case sharing and geomapping. | Demo | 30-Nov-12 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
University student TB Screening | CTB | Management Sciences for Health (MSH) is a non-profit international health organization working to save lives and improve the health of world’s poorest and most vulnerable people, by closing the gap . | TB | 31-Jan-18 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
upSCALE Applications | Malaria Consortium | The upSCALE apps consist of a community health worker application that covers all community health services and a complementary tablet-based application for supervisors. | Child Health | 24-May-19 | English, Portuguese | Creative Commons Attribution, Non-Commercial, and Share Alike (CC BY-NC-SA) |
mTB by FLW (The Union South-East Asia) | The Union South-East Asia | A mobile application has been developed (with support from Dimagi) for use by front line workers (RHCP and NGO partners) to refer and track TB symptomatics. | TB | 31-Jan-14 | English, Hindi | Creative Commons Attribution, Non-Commercial (CC BY-NC) |
Going to School - Be! Schools Project | Abhishek | Be! Schools Project is a collaboration between Dept. of Education, Govt. of Bihar and Going to School to teach entrepreneurial skills to Grade IX children in government secondary schools. | Education | 8-Nov-13 | English, Hindi | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
project test 1 | Meihua Wang | vision | 17-Dec-15 | English, Chinese | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) | |
CommTrack Demo App (beta) | Dimagi | This is a CommTrack demo app (beta) for logistics use cases in a pull system. CommTrack is currently a feature preview and so not all functionality may be supported using the web interface. | Logistics | 3-Sep-14 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
IIHMR - MCTS | Institute of Health Management Reserach, Jaipur | This app is meant to collect the data of MCH register, present at Health Sub Center in India | MCH | 9-Dec-13 | English, Hindi | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
test_p | Mustafa bezi | test_project | survy | 12-Nov-15 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
meditec | Marius AWONON | pregnancy | 31-Oct-14 | French, English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) | |
Marie Stopes India | Preeti Tiwari | The project is designed to develop, test and implement a FP application that can be scaled up to increase the frequency, quality and targeting of interpersonal communications on a large scale. | ||||
Family Planning | 11/13/13 | English, Hindi | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) | |||
ewqwe | Dolot | EDC | 9-Aug-13 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) | |
VAXTRAC BENIN | VAXTRAC BENIN | toute l'équipe de VAXTRAC BENIN | santé communautaire | 21-Oct-14 | English | Creative Commons Attribution, Non-Commercial (CC BY-NC) |
Agricultural Cooperatives | Dimagi Inc | Cooperatives in Africa are a critical component of successful agricultural marketing for rural farmers. This CommCare application establishes AEW workflows for managing corn and rice supply chains | Agriculture | 12-Jan-16 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
New Avanti Chennai | Naga M Reddy A | Publishing new version of your project to Commcare Exchange | coc | 23-Apr-15 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
Hand Hygiene Compliance Monitoring | Dhulikhel Hospital - Kathmandu University Hospital | App Developed by Dhulikhel Hospital. The app was used for the monitoring of Hand Hygiene Compliance. | Hospital Infection Control | 13-Nov-19 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
Supervisory Tools | Dimagi | supervision | 28-Jun-14 | English, Hindi | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) | |
version publica aaa | alvaro alvarez | asdda | ejemplo | 26-Jun-14 | English, Spanish | Creative Commons Attribution, Non-Commercial (CC BY-NC) |
Simple CommCare Demo/Tutorial | Amelia Sagoff | a simple example of a case management application. | MCH | 6-Apr-15 | Portuguese, French, English, Swahili, Hindi | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
PHQ-9 | Jafet Arrieta | This app includes the PHQ-9 assessment tool for depression and the WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire to assess quality of life. | Depression | 10-Jun-14 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
CWC IOM | Aqhoan | IOM | CwC | 24-Mar-19 | Arabic, English | Creative Commons Attribution, Non-Commercial (CC BY-NC) |
KCC | Vrutti | To collect information about farmers for KCC | Financial security | 24-Jul-17 | English, Kannada, Hindi | Creative Commons Attribution, Non-Commercial (CC BY-NC) |
ER Support Visit | Godsway Sackey | Technical Support Visit Checklist | SS | 11-Mar-16 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
Antenatal Care Services in Nigeria | Pathfinder International | App for Clinical decision support, Data Collection and reminders during Antenatal in remote clinics | ANC | 19-Jun-13 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
JWAS_2019 | PRATIBHA TOMAR | This survey target the health care facility of Jaunpur district, Uttar Pradesh | Research | 30-Aug-19 | Hindi, English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
Van Data Entry | Swasth Foundation | Van Data Entry by Drivers / Assistants | PCP | 25-Aug-15 | English | Creative Commons Attribution, Non-Commercial, and Share Alike (CC BY-NC-SA) |
SNEHA Centre | SNEHA (www.snehamumbai.org) | SNEHA Centre is an integrated model to address family health focusing on women and children driven by the goal to improve the health of women and children in vulnerable slum communities in Mumbai. | MCH, PVWC, SRH, CHN | 14-Dec-12 | English, Hindi | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
ReMiND KPC Baseline Survey | Catholic Relief Services | This application is an adaption of the KPC2000+ tool (MCHIP) that was used for the ReMiND Project's baseline study in December 2012 - January 2013. | survey | 26-Sep-13 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
SS | Sanjay Sangal | SS Test | WCD | 29-May-14 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
Admissions field app | Jahnavi | Community service | 11-Jun-18 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) | |
ADSFA | AFS | mch | 21-Nov-12 | English, Hindi | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) | |
Real Medicine Foundation - Monitoring Malnourished Children | Real Medicine Foundation | Real Medicine Foundation designed a CommCare application used by Community Nutrition Experts in Madhya Pradesh since July 2011 in 5 districts of Madhya Pradesh. | Child Malnutrition | 12-Jun-13 | English, Hindi | Creative Commons Attribution, Non-Commercial (CC BY-NC) |
Maternal and New Born Care | Save the Children | Save the Children and India Health Action Trust worked together to create this pregnancy and newborn care modules which were deployed in Kishangarh, Rajasthan. | MCH | 4-Apr-13 | English, Hindi | Creative Commons Attribution, Non-Commercial (CC BY-NC) |
ReMiND Project | Catholic Relief Services | 271 CHW (called ASHA) in Kaushambi use CommCare to guide home visits to women and provide in-depth MNCH counseling. Content developed by CRS and Vatsalya with the government. | MCH | 4-Dec-12 | English, Hindi | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
Community Health | public | MCH | 25-Nov-12 | English, Swahili | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) | |
Test | Taoufik Mliki | MCH | 6-Aug-18 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) | |
Simple CommCare Demo/Tutorial | Dimagi | a simple example of a case management application. | MCH | 24-Mar-13 | Portuguese, French, English, Swahili, Hindi | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
Cartographie des districts sanitaires | Terre des hommes | Cette application permet de renseigner les méta-données de points GPS dans le cadre d'activités de cartographie de districts sanitaires (centre de santé, routes, intersection cours d'eau, villages) | GIS, health, SIG, santé | 11-Dec-15 | French | Creative Commons Attribution, Share Alike (CC BY-SA) |
Mobile Clinic Care | Garett Switzer | Data collection app for point of care | General Care | 1-Sep-14 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
CommCare Troubleshooting Guide | CARE India | Three applications (Call Center, Field Staff, Administrator) for different levels of debugging CommCare issues. Includes guidance for issue identification, followup, escalation and resolution. | Troubleshooting | 13-May-13 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
ICAP TB | ICAP | This app helps ICAP Lesotho provide support to the Lesotho National Tuberculosis (TB) Control Program (NTP) by improving retention in care, treatment outcomes, and contact tracing for TB patients. | TB | 30-Apr-15 | English, Sotho, Southern | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
Kishor | Kishor thakur | This is a just for trial. | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) | |||
version 1 of PTA and PTE | Dimagi | Pre Training Assessment (PTA) and Post Training Evaluation (PTE) are used prior and after a training on a CommCare mobile application. | Training | 15-Apr-15 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
GOAL Toolkit for Analysis of Resilience in Communities (ARC) | Max Izenberg | Toolkit to measure disaster resilience at the community level for the following Countries: Honduras, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Kenya, Uganda, Phillipines and Haiti. | Risk Management, DRR, Resilience | 27-May-15 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
Peace Corps Training | Matt McLaughlin | An App-Building training App from Peace Corps Stomping Out Malaria in Africa initiative. | CHW | 5-Aug-16 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
Simple CommCare Demo/Tutorial | Dimagi | a simple example of a case management application. | MCH | 10-Nov-14 | Portuguese, French, English, Swahili, Hindi | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
ICRQF DATA | Idrissa KAMARA | ICRAF | 12-Feb-15 | French, English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) | |
Van Data Entry | Swasth Foundation | Van Data Entry by Drivers / Assistants | PCP | 23-Aug-15 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
Case Management 4Children DRC Kinshasa | Theophile Mweze | The 4Children project aims to "improve the health and well-being of HIV-vulnerable children and orphans and their families" by strengthening the child protection system at the national level and by ma | OVC CASE MANAGEMENT | 4-Apr-19 | French | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
SNEHA Mumbai Childhood Nutrition: Aahaar | SNEHA (www.snehamumbai.org) | A secular, Mumbai-based non-profit organisation, SNEHA believes that investing in women's health is essential to building viable urban communities. This project focuses on child health and nutrition. | Nutrition | 2-Dec-12 | English, Hindi | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
Provider Identification form | Kamal Talreja | Identification of providers | 4-Jul-13 | English, Hindi | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) | |
LEAPS II WASH | CRS | WASH, WINS, Water, Sanitation, Hygiene | 18-Oct-17 | English, Lao | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) | |
diabetic patient follow up | Patrick | this study is to help doctors to follow up their patients in distance | healthcare | 23-Jun-15 | Chinese | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
Aarohi | Dr Tanmay Singh | Aarohi works with CHWs and ASHAs to gather and disseminate prenatal and postpartum health information to mothers and children in rural Uttarakhand. | MCH | 30-Oct-13 | English, Hindi | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
Adolescence | Bal Sansar Sanstha, Jaipur | To improve the quality of life of adolescents in two districts of Rajasthan by introducing strategies for planned transitions from adolescence to adulthood. | Adolescent Development | 15-May-15 | English, Hindi | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
Application Kirene | KIRENE SA | Monitoring | 31-Jul-18 | French, English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) | |
Infant Growth Monitoring and Tracking | Benjamin Lavin | This app allows users to track the growth and nutritional status of infants 0 to 5 years old. It includes only free CommCare features, so that any user can make modifications to serve their needs. | Child Nutrition | 6-Mar-17 | French, English | Creative Commons Attribution, Non-Commercial (CC BY-NC) |
Indonesia HIV/AIDS Care Management | Kate Otto | This app supports CHWs in Jakarta, Indonesia whose clients are at high risk of contracting HIV or already living with HIV, namely drug users/sex workers/ their partners. | HIV, Addiction | 18-Feb-13 | Indonesian | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
New Justice App Prototype | Rohit Wadhwani | Case Registration | 3-Oct-16 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) | |
Words 2 Learn | World Education | Using text, audio and video this application is for English language learners and adult basic education students who want to learn academic vocabulary. | Education | 30-Nov-12 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
GOAL Toolkit for Analysis of Resilience in Communities (ARC) | Max Izenberg | Toolkit to measure disaster resilience at the community level for the following Countries: Nicaragua, Niger, Sudan, Malawi, Zimbabwe and Syria. | Risk Management, DRR, Resilience | 12-Jun-15 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
Van Data Entry | Swasth Foundation | Van Data Entry by Drivers / Assistants | PCP | 23-Aug-15 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
My Form | Mahmoud Abo Shabo | MCH | 18-Jul-16 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) | |
Saving Money | Gayatri Jayal | This awareness application uses audio, video and images to provide key information around what it means to save money. This application was developed as a part of Dimagi's USAID-funded GBV project. | Financial empowerment | 27-Jan-17 | English, Hindi | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
Millennium Villages: Verbal Autopsies (LINKED) | Millennium Villages Project | A linked application with an MCH application for CHWs in Uganda to visit registered children and mothers and a VA application for VA specialists to perform interviews and determine causes of death. | MCH and VA | 31-Aug-15 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
TPC update form | Kamal Talreja | Provider updates - WHP | 3-Jul-13 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) | |
YOUTH DEVELOPMENT TRAINING PROGRAMME | Dr Geeta Verma, Technical Specialist, Girls Education Program, For details contact: gverma@careindia.org | The Youth Development Training Programme (YDTP) focuses on developing the leadership potential in young people by building the capacities of teachers and youth influencers to teach leadership | Education, Leadership Child Development, | 9-Oct-15 | English, Hindi | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
RDI's Innovations for ASHA Program | RDI-HIHT | The technology is being used to pilot innovations and support to ASHA Program in Uttarakhand. | MCH | 12-Apr-14 | English, Hindi | Creative Commons Attribution, Non-Commercial, and No Derivatives (CC BY-NC-ND) |
LEAD GAP Survey | Belmiro Merito Nhamithambo | A test of an application to run a survey on the LEAD (Livelihoods Empowerment and Development) project smallholder farmer´s good agricultural practices (GAP) adoption. | Agriculture | 16-Jun-15 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
APP disaster resilience | Ivan Gil Balmadrid | DRR | 13-Nov-17 | French, English, Spanish | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) | |
CB-HIPP track | Denice Juma | Tracker for CB-HIPP | HIV | 7-Mar-16 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
Benin Against Malaria | Peace Corps Benin | A tool for surveying household bed net need, conducting and tracking bed net distributions, and logging malaria behavior change communication activities. | Malaria | 1-Nov-16 | French, English | Creative Commons Attribution, Non-Commercial (CC BY-NC) |
mTrainer | Gayatri Jayal | mTrainer is an application that helps facilitate a training on GBV service provision. | GBV | 27-Jan-17 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
testakt | Ankit | testing | 15-May-15 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) | |
Simple CommCare Demo/Tutorial | Dimagi | a simple example of a case management application. | MCH | 26-Aug-14 | Portuguese, French, English, Swahili, Hindi | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
m | aamer | n | 18-Mar-16 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) | |
M-Sehat RES | M-Sehat | M-Sehat for Referral Exchange System. | MHN | 28-Jan-16 | English, Hindi | Creative Commons Attribution, Non-Commercial (CC BY-NC) |
Hello | Warveen Muhmmaed | Education | 23-Sep-17 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) | |
Pregnancy Surveillance and Care: Nepal | Possible Health | Deployed by Possible Health (possiblehealth.org/) in Nepal for Community Heath Workers to enroll women of reproductive age, and identify and follow pregnant women regularly for care coordination. | MCH | 20-Mar-17 | English, Nepali | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
mSante: An Advanced Job Aid for Haiti's Community-level Health Workers | Pathfinder International | mSante covers the main health services offered by Haiti’s community-level health workers (ASCPs), including integrated maternal and child health, family planning, and HIV services. | MCH | 15-Jun-16 | English, Haitian | Creative Commons Attribution, No Derivatives (CC BY-ND) |
Malaria | 3/23/15 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) | |||
Thina Abantu Abasha | Gina Coetzee | Sexual and reproductive health | 23-Apr-18 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) | |
Tutoriel de CommCare | Dimagi | Cette application inclut toutes les étapes des tutoriels de Basic Case Management et Advanced case management disponible sur le site aide de CommCare | MCH | 19-Jun-15 | French, English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
mSoukhya | Gayatri Jayal | CommCare app that enables FLWs to provide first line of support services to survivors of domestic violence. | GBV | 20-Jan-17 | English, Kannada | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
Village Health | Furgerot Charles | Pregnancy | 16-Nov-13 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) | |
Child Nutrition Research Survey - El Salvador | Garrett Fox | Tool used to collect data for a child nutrition research project: anthropometry, hemoglobin, illness, 24 hour dietary recall, food frequency questions for animal source foods | nutrition | 27-Mar-17 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
CARE- Early Childhood Development | Dr Geeta Verma, Technical Specialist, Girls Education Program, For details contact: gverma@careindia.org | CARE- ECD aims to improve counselling skills of AWWs by using mobile technology. Thereby providing key messages of parents to improve child development outcomes. It is operational in Chhattisgarh. | Child Development and Mother and Child Health | 4-Jun-14 | English, Hindi | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
OVC Tracker Project | Care for Children | A tool for registering and following up OVCs. | OVC | 21-Nov-12 | English, Spanish | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
Emergency Individual Protection Assistance | Bradford Adams | Protection | 25-Oct-19 | Arabic, English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) | |
Van Data Entry | Swasth Foundation | Van Data Entry by Drivers / Assistants | PCP | 23-Aug-15 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
PPTCT-Conditional Cash Transfer Project, Rajasthan | IHAT and IMPACT | The PPTCT-Conditional Cash Transfer project is being funded by PACF and implemented jointly by India Health Action Trust (IHAT), Rajasthan and IMPACT, New Delhi. | HIV-PMTCT | 29-Jan-14 | English, Hindi | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
Agricultural Cooperatives | Dimagi Inc | Cooperatives in Burundi are a critical component of successful agricultural marketing for rural farmers. This CommCare application establishes GPC workflows for managing corn and rice supply chains | Agriculture | 12-Nov-16 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
JSA iPad Application | George Rufio | Field Work | 15-Nov-15 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) | |
SAANS Medical Health Surveys | Andrew Wong-Rolle | MCH Hindi and English survey suite for registering and collecting data on households, hiring potential healthcare workers, and interviewing local doctors. | MCH | 9-Nov-15 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
Baby log | Dan Myung | Keep track of baby activities | test | 11-Jul-14 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
INFOMOVEL - ARIELGLASER FOUNDATION | FUNDAÇAO ARIEL GLASER CONTRA SIDA PEDIATRICO | The Infomóvel application aims to both improve adherence to HIV treatment and to identify new HIV+ patients through community HIV counseling and testing based on index case approach. | HIV | 22-Jul-16 | English, Portuguese | Creative Commons Attribution, Non-Commercial, and Share Alike (CC BY-NC-SA) |
CommCare-Burundi Healthcare, HIV/AIDS Prevention, Orphans Adoption, Children & Families Health Information & Communication ASPREASHETING Mobile Applications for all in Burundi. | CommCare-Burundi app:Aspreasheting | CommCare ASPREASHETING application-Patients subscribe with mobile phones to access easily to doctor. Patients can make or receive Voice call to ask question, read SMS, reminder, guide sent by Doctor. | Burundi Healthcare, HIV/AIDS Prevention, Orphans Adoption, Children & Families Health Information & Communication ASPREASHETING Mobile Applications for all in Burundi. | 14-Apr-13 | French, English, Swahili | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
MOHS2013 | Mohamed Bangura | MCH | 6-Aug-13 | English | Creative Commons Attribution, Non-Commercial (CC BY-NC) | |
Lost to Folow up app - CHW 1 OF 2 | Rosario Gregorio Andrade | Referral and contra referral workflow | HIV - Lost of Follow-up | 17-Jun-15 | English, Portuguese | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
Emergency Market Assessment questionnaires | International Rescue Committee (with support from USAID) | Use these templates as a starting point to develop questionnaires for emergency market assessments that can be administered on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. | humanitarian, livelihoods, markets, emergency | 4-Apr-16 | French, English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
Perso | LACRACHE | Right | HEALTH | 9-Nov-17 | French, English, Hindi | Creative Commons Attribution, Non-Commercial (CC BY-NC) |
Guinea Ebola Contact Tracing Application | Earth Institute at Columbia University | Application for Ebola surveillance, specifically the registration and monitoring of "contacts" at risk (contact tracing). | Ebola | 13-Jan-16 | mlk, French, English, sou, fll | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
ARK2 | Lilian Setia | EDUCATION | HIV | 29-Mar-18 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
AgriBazaar.co | rao | Free classifieds portal for agriculture. Happy living | Agriculture Survey | 30-Oct-13 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
Peace Corps Cameroon Education Community Needs Assignment (CNA) 2017 | Grace Morrow | This app is designed to help PCVs in Cameroon conduct their CNA's properly and quickly. Volunteers are allowed to edit and add to the app as they choose once they have downloaded it. | CNA | 8-Aug-17 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
Pathways | CARE INDIA | Pathways program builds on, and is inspired by the vital roles that women around the world play in smallholder agriculture, meeting the food needs of their households and communities. | Agriculture | 1-Apr-14 | English, Oriya | Creative Commons Attribution, Non-Commercial (CC BY-NC) |
WHO Growth Standards | Dimagi | Dimagi generated applications derived from WHO growth standard tables. | Nutrition | 7-Apr-13 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
33 | luis molina | 33 | 33 | 26-Apr-14 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
it is an application for storing Mothers' Pregnancy information , child information and as well as Household Head information" | MHC | 25-Apr-16 | Persian, English, Pushto | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) | ||
Sarah Hodsdon Application | Sarah Hodsdon | Finished tutorial and customized forms | Dimagi Jobs | 8-Nov-13 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
participation | Javier Quintanilla | survey about Chagas desease from Arequipa ASA | PublicHealth | 21-Jan-15 | English, Spanish | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
Sales and Servicing App | Monique Alfris | Used to process sales and servicing of solar energy products | Solar Energy | 22-Dec-13 | English, Kannada | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |
TEST 1 | sadiq | AAA | 28-Nov-15 | English | Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) |