Excerpt |
This page provides detailed descriptions and examples of all the possible CommCare Functions that you can use when making calculations or other expressions, which can be useful in manipulating data. |
Behavior: Evaluates a value against a regular expression and returns true if the value matches that regular expression.
Return: true or false
Arguments: There are two arguments, the value to be validated and the regular expression as a string.
Syntax: regex(value, regular_expression)
Example: This is useful when doing complex validation against some value. For example, to validate that a string contains only numbers, you can use regex(/data/my_question, "^[0-9]+$"). You can test and develop other regular expressions using http://www.regexr.com/. Also see the Advanced Validation Conditions page.
Behavior: Calculates a random hexadecimal (0-9, a-f) identifier of 32 characters long. There are 16^32 = 3.4*10^38 possibilities for this kind of identifier. The statistical chance that these values are not unique is extremely low, so we call it a unique identifier. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universally_unique_identifier
Return: The unique id.
Arguments: none!
Syntax: uuid(). Omitting the argument results in a 32 digit unique identifier.
Examples: uuid() could return 24235c71-09bf-40e8-87d2-00767efd7a14 or 4498b8a9-0af4-4413-994a-ad44e166f073
Behavior: Calculates a random alphanumeric (0-9, A-Z) identifier of a particular length. The longer the length, this more likely it is that this random number is unique across the project. If the argument is 3, then there are 36^3 = 4.7*10^4 possibilities. This is a large number of possibilities, but not large enough to ensure that there is not a duplicate. If the argument is 32, there will be 36^32 = 6.3*10^49 possibilities, which is statistically very unlikely to produce a duplicate. Note that uuid() with an argument is not a traditionally-defined UUID as described here; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universally_unique_identifier.
Return: The random id.
Arguments: The length of the random id
Syntax: uuid(length).
Examples: uuid(4) could return WZV4 or 5J43. uuid(32) could return 4KV5JRAUM48YS9SP2SWX2G94UEAJBHXQ or N9HTXSZPJI0H8GQS2SBW88V881CJEN1I.
Behavior: Useful for choosing which of two values to return. Will return the non-null/empty value. If both are not null, will return the first argument.
Return: One of the values
Arguments: The two values to be coalesced
Syntax: coalesce(value_1, value_2).
Example: This is useful if you want to use a default value when referring to a question which may or may not have been answered. Ex. coalesce(/data/my_question, "my default value").
Note: Since CommCare version 2.31, coalesce accepts more than 2 arguments, returning the first non-null argument.
Behavior: Takes a json string and a string property name and returns the value of that property from the json string.
Return: A string value for the property name passed in
Arguments: A string (stringified json object), a string property name
Syntax: json-property(json_string, property_name)
Example: json-property('{"full":"New Canada St., 3855 Brienz, Switzerland","geopoint":"46.748107 8.0473685","zipcode":"3855","postcode":"3855","city":"Brienz","region":"Bern","state_long":"Bern","state_short":"CH-BE","country":"Switzerland","country_short":"ch","street":"New Canada St."}', 'city') -> "Brienz"
Since: This function is available in CommCare 2.51 and later.
Behavior: 2 strings, each of which should be a space-separated string representing a list of strings, and an optional boolean value indicating the desired sort direction, and returns the result of sorting the 1st list by the 2nd list.
Return: A string representing a sorted, space-separated list
Arguments: 2 strings representing space-separated lists, and an optional boolean argument indicating direction (true() is ascending, false() is descending, default is ascending)
Syntax: sort-by("a b c d", "3 2 4 1", true())
sort-by("apple banana chip dog egg flea", "4 2 1 5 3 2") --> "chip banana flea egg apple dog"
sort-by("apple banana chip dog egg flea", "4 2 1 5 3 2", false()) --> "dog apple egg flea banana chip"
Since: This function is available on CommCare 2.38 and later