Purpose: get a list of users, or a single user. The list of users may be presented to the end user as a simple list of user names, where each name includes a hyperlink to access a list of cases owned by the user.
Authentication and Usage: All URL endpoints should be utilized as part of a cURL authentication command. For more information, please review https://dimagi.atlassian.net/wiki/x/LwXKfw.
Input parameters:
Name | Description | Example |
format | data format | format=xml |
group | Group UUID (optional) | group=ac9d34ff59cf6388e4f5804b12276d8a |
archived | List archived users instead of active ones | archived=true |
extras | Adds extra data fields (this can slow down the API) for recent user activity | extras=true |
Output values:
Name | Description | Example | Notes |
id | User UUID | 3c5a623af057e23a32ae4000cf291339 | |
username | User name of user, including domain | jdoe@example.commcarehq.org | |
first_name | First name of user | John | |
last_name | Last name of user | Doe | |
default_phone_number | Primary phone number of user | +50253311399 | |
Email address of user | john.doe@example.org | ||
phone_numbers | List of all phone numbers of the user | (see examples) | |
groups | List of all group ids belonging to the user | (see examples) | |
user_data | Any additional custom data associated with the user | (see examples) | If the property begins with a number, it will not be returned when using XML |
Sample usage:
Code Block |
https://www.commcarehq.org/a/demo/api/v0.4/user/?format=xml&limit=5 |