In order to iterate on and discuss the content and structure of a form, it is sometimes easier to view the form contents in an Excel format.
On the left side of the screen, within the question tree of form builder, you will see a drop-down menu that looks like three stacked lines. Selecting this will open the formbuilder Tools. One of the options is Export Form Contents
After you click on Export From Contents a pop-up box will appear:
Put your cursor in the box, select-all, and copy all of the contents.
Then open a blank Excel tab and paste the contents- they should automatically separate into columns:
At present, Export Form Contents contains the following fields (cells will be blank if not applicable):
Question ID
Question Type
IText ID
Display Text (for each language)
Audio Filepath
Image Filepath
Display Condition
Validation Condition
Validation Message
Required (whether or not question is required)
If you make changes to the content in the excel file (i.e. display text, validation, etc.) you will have to manually make these changes in the form builder. That means you cannot update the form by importing the altered excel file. It is possible to do this for display text only by using the Form Bulk Translation tool. If you want to build forms using an Excel file you can try a tool like Formhub.
If you want to have a column which cleanly shows the choice value for questions with choices, you can do this in Excel with the formula =IF(B2="Choice", TRIM(MID(A2, FIND("-",A2)+1, 100)), "")